Crazy In Love

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If I made a book of Sander's sides oneshots, would anyone read it?

I look and stare so deep in your eyes...

Draco avoids Harry's deep gaze and tries to focus on his work, feeling Harry's eyes burning into his skull.

I touch on you more and more everytime....

He hears Harry stand up, and ignores the watching feeling on the back of his head.

Harry walks past him slowly, fingers brushing over his arm, slowly, making the hairs stand up on his arm.

When you leave, I'm begging you not to go...

The bells rings, and Harry and his friends walk out. Draco stands quickly, leaving his stuff at his desk, and runs after him.

"Potter!" he shouts.

Harry ignores him, choosing to continue walking.

Call your name two or three times in a row...

"Potter!" he tries again. No response.


Harry stops, and turns, shocked. He mutters something to Hermione and Ron, and they nod and walk away.

Such a funny thing for me to try to explain...

Harry walks toward him, eyebrow raised. "Yes?"

Draco pauses. "Um.."

How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame...

He shakes his head. "Never mind. It's stupid."

Harry smirks. "Okay then, Draco."

'Cause I know I don't understand...

Draco stares at him as he walks away. 

Just how your love can do what no one else can...


Draco notices Harry staring at him again as he hangs out with Blaise. He tries to ignore Harry and focus on his boyfriend, but every minute Harry stares at him makes is harder.

Got me looking so crazy right now...

He stands up suddenly, scraping his chair against the ground. Blaise is protesting, but Draco ignores him, grabbing Harry's arm and dragging him out of the Great Hall.

The second they're outside the doors, Draco lets go of Harry's arm. Harry is glaring at him.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" he demands.

Your love's got me looking so crazy right now...

Harry glares. "What are you doing with Zabini?"

"What are you talking about? Blaise is my boyfriend," Draco says, irritated.

Harry's eyes go wide. "What?"

Got me looking so crazy right now...

Draco frowns. "How did you not know that? We've been dating for a month."

Your touch, got me looking so crazy right now....

Harry pushes Draco back against a wall. Draco tenses, but doesn't push him off.

Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss, got me hoping you'll save me right now.

"Harry, what are you-"

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