Going Away Gift 6

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Harry maneuvered throughout the crowd, trying to get to the punch bowl. When he finally reached it, he noticed another boy standing there.

The boy was dark-skinned, with short black hair. He was tall, and very attractive. His deep brown eyes immediately locked on Harry's right wrist, where the word Sorry was tattooed.

"Hello, I'm Harry," Harry said conversationally. The boy's eyes went wide, and he dashed off.

"Aaaalllll right then," Harry murmured to himself, taking a drink of punch and watching the dancing.

Suddenly, the boy was back.

"Sorry," he murmured softly. Harry's eyes went wide.

"I got surprised, and I ran." The darker boy showed Harry his wrist, where the words Hello, I'm Harry rested.

"I'm Blaise," he said softly. "And it's nice to meet you, soulmate."


Harry woke up, smiling at his sleeping boyfriend. His eyes scanned Blaise's body, which he already had committed to memory.

His eyes caught on Blaise's wrist, where his soulmate words rested. Harry smiled for a moment, before frowning in confusion.

The word Hello was smudged slightly, and something slightly darker was underneath.

Harry frowned, and lifted Blaise's wrist. He rubbed at the words, until Hello, I'm Harry was gone, revealing the words You're stunning underneath.

Harry shook Blaise's shoulder until he woke up. 

"Morning love," Blaise murmured, smiling. He leaned in for a kiss, but Harry yanked his head back.

"Love?" Blaise sat up, confused.

"What the fuck is on your wrist?" Harry asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Blaise's eyes widened, and he looked down at his wrist.

"Shit," he muttered.

"You lied to me!" Harry screamed. "You're not my goddamn soulmate!"

Blaise hung his head sadly. "I'm sorry."

"How'd you do it?" Harry's voice was dangerously calm.

"I read your soulmate words. When you spoke to me, I rushed to the bathroom and put makeup over mine and wrote Hello I'm Harry on top. I've been doing it every morning for the last two years."

Harry was shaking. When Blaise moved to hug him, he flinched away. "Don't touch me."

"I'm sorr-"

Harry was out the door before the words were finished.

Harry was blind with rage and tears. He stormed down the street, crying hard, until he ran into someone.

"Sorry!" came a surprised exclamation.

"Yeah, everyone's fucking sorry!" Harry shouted, crying harder.


"What did you just say?"

Harry looked up at the boy in front of him. He saw blonde hair, and when he blinked the tears away, realized how attractive this boy was.

He stood. "Never mind."

The blonde caught his arm. "I'm your soulmate."

"That's what he said too," Harry mumbled.

The blonde showed him his arm, where the words Yeah, everyone's fucking sorry rested.

Harry blinked several times before showing the blonde his own arm.

"Are you okay?" the other boy asked gently.

"Harry!" Blaise rushed outside. "I really have grown to love you- Draco?"

"Blaise?" Harry's soulmate- Draco- turned to face Harry. "And I suppose that makes you Harry."

Harry turned away from Blaise, trying to hide his tears.

"Leave him alone, Draco." Blaise's voice was pleading. "Harry, I love you. Don't go to the first whore you see because you're heartbroken."

"You don't love me!" Harry yelled, furious. "You bloody faked your soul mark! And this so-called 'whore' you're discussing is my real soulmate!"

"You faked your fucking soul mark?" Draco asked, disgust in his tone. "That's low, Zabini."

"Who fucking cares if he's your soulmate?" Blaise cried. "You loved me first! You love me!"

Draco stood protectively in front of Harry. "Back the fuck off."

"Not a chance, Draco."

Draco tensed, and Zabini had a wicked smirk on his face.

"He loved me first. You'll never get to be his first love."

"I don't care about that!" Draco cried. "I want him to be happy! He doesn't even have to date me if he doesn't want to!"

Harry's heart warmed at that.

"But... you're soulmates." Blaise sounded confused. "You have to fall in love."

"Harry can love whoever he wants. We are soulmates, but that doesn't mean he can't love someone else," Draco says gently.

Blaise rolled his eyes. "I'm done with this. Harry, come here."

Tentatively, Harry peeked around Draco's shoulder.

"Harry." Blaise's voice was firm, so sure that Harry still wanted him.

"You're not my soulmate, Blaise. We can't be happy together. Go find your soulmate. I'm staying here with mine."

Draco smiled at him, and Harry slipped his hand into the other boy's.

Blaise's jealous eyes zeroed in on their holding hands.

"Fine," he spat. "I never loved you anyways."

Harry blinked sadly as Blaise stormed back inside.

"Hey, you gonna be okay?" Draco asked gently, cupping Harry's face.

Harry nodded, smiling weakly. "I will. But in the meantime, can we stay friends for now?"

Draco smiled. "Of course. As long as you need."

Two years later, they were married.

Blaise ended up meeting his soulmate a year after Harry and Draco got married. They never started a relationship, and dated other people instead.

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