Harry Potter and The Year He Didn't Give A Fuck (the untold eighth book)

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-- this is a trilogy of oneshots, and although there will be drarry, it mostly focuses on Pansy and Harry's friendship and bond--

Harry James Potter had changed.

After the war, he retreated to the Muggle world to sort himself out. He spent the first half of summer grieving for those he had lost, living in self-hate and blaming himself for all of the deaths in the world.

And then he had run into Pansy Parkinson.


Harry stood in the middle of the street, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by how many people there were around him, walking to wherever they had to go.

All of these people had no idea that he had ruined the lives of so many.

He wanted to scream it, to yell I ruined lives, I'm the reason people are dead. He wanted to be killed, punished, sent to prison.

And then a pale hand wrapped around his arm and dragged him into the nearest café.

"Morning, Potter," Pansy Parkinson greeted. "I'd like to start this conversation with an apology for attempting to sacrifice you to Voldemort, and I'm going to follow that point up with stop being an angsty little bitch."

Harry blinked. "What?"

Pansy sighed. "Potter, I know what you're going through. You're blaming yourself for everything. Now look at me. No one blames you. The people around you would be dead right now if it weren't for you. War comes with death, and you prevented as many as you could. You are a good person. And if your ass doesn't come back to Hogwarts when it starts up again, I'm afraid I'll have to hex you."

Harry blinked. Pansy's words were harsh, a wake-up slap to the face, breaking through the bubble of self-pity Harry had surrounded himself in. 

And he couldn't help it. He broke into laughter.

Pansy looked pleased with herself, sipping the drink the barista had brought her with a slight smile. 

Harry studied her. She hadn't changed much. Her hair was still cut in a short black bob, with ruler-straight bangs that only she could pull off. Her brown eyes were much warmer than they had once been, and she had accessorized her face with a nose and eyebrow piercing. She wore a simple black crop top, and the Muggle clothing surprised Harry, but fit her extremely well.

"Thank you, Parkinson."

She inclined her head. "You know, we never did get a proper introduction."

She stuck out her hand. "Hello. My name is Pansy Parkinson, and I'd like to be your friend."

Harry smiled at the hand offered to him, and took it without a moment's hesitation. "Hello, Pansy. My name is Harry Potter, and I would love to be your friend."

*end flashback*

From the moment Pansy had woken him the fuck up and become his friend, Harry had changed.

For the better or worse, no one could decide.

He took to mostly wearing black, as, in Pansy's words, "Everyone looks hot in black." He had gotten a few tattoos up his neck and over his arms. He had gotten his ears pierced, and shaved the sides of his hair. The lip piercing had been a drunken decision Pansy had proposed after several Firewhiskey shots, but he didn't regret it. He had taken to wearing contacts to really show off the perfect winged eyeliner Pansy enjoyed applying on his eyes. He wore no jewelry except the ring she had gotten him the day before they left for Hogwarts, which only said one word: PRIDE. 

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