Strings of Fate

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--Prompt by myotpisklance--

I literally love that the longer people read my stories, the more comfortable they get with the comments. like someone who just started reading my stories will be like "Author this is so sad! But it was good, thank you!" And people who've been reading my books for a while are like "i'll see you in fucking court Nyx how dare you break my fucking heart whERE IS MY FLUFF NYX" i literally think its so fucking funny fuckin love you guys

"Strings of fate," Flitwick says as dramatically as a man who comes up to Harry's hip can say. "They are somewhat of myth to Muggles, but they are possible, done correctly. Today, we will be practicing them."

Blaise's hand went in the air.

"Yes, Mr. Zabini?"

"The literal hell is a string of fate?"

"Language, Mr. Zabini. Good question. Can anyone answer it? Someone besides Ms. Granger, who answered my last six questions?"

"Red strings of fate are cast by a fairly simple spell that causes- you fuckin guessed it- a red glowing string to appear, only visible by you. It connects you to a person who is considered, by all standards, your soulmate," Malfoy muttered from the back of the room, sounding bored.

"Language, Mr. Malfoy. But yes, he is correct. Now, the spell is rufus cor et anima mea fata."

(For anyone wondering, this is essentially the Google translated "red heart soul fate" in Latin)

Harry didn't want to do it. What if his soul mate was Ron, or something? Or worse, a girl?

Nevertheless, he lifted his wand, sighing. "Rufus car it anima me feta."

For half a second, nothing happened, before he noticed the delicate, thin glowing red strand wrapped around his pinky and leading somewhere across the crowded room.

He glanced up, and noticed the confused faces of people realizing who their soulmate was. He watched Hermione stare intently at her pinky as she walked, before running into Pansy Parkinson. Neville did something similar to Blaise Zabini, and both blushed. Seamus and Dean, to no surprise, were connected. Most other people were staring at the door, as their soulmate must not have been in the room.

Harry realized his string connected him to the person standing right next to him.

"Nope," he said as calmly as possible, turning right fucking around and walking out of the room.

He didn't notice Draco looking down at his hand and up at Harry.


The stupid fucking string hadn't gone away in the last two days. Lavender was trying to jump Harry every chance she got. It was becoming a nuisance.

"Harryyyyy!" she whined. "I'm your soulmate! You ran into me!"

"Did you even cast the spell to see who yours is?" Harry asked, irritated.

"No. What's the spell? I'll show you!"

"I think it's rufus car it anima me feta."

Lavender cast the spell and squealed immediately. "It's connected to you!"

Harry's heart sank. "I have to go."

He dashed away as fast as possible, almost running into Draco Malfoy.

"Watch it!" Malfoy cried, surprised. "Where's the fire, Potter?"

"Lavender is apparently my soulmate and she won't fucking leave me alone and I don't want to be her soulmate," Harry blurted out in his irritation. He slammed his hand over his mouth.

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