Kiss For a Curse

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Day 1: 0 times

"Fuck!" I shout, as my cauldron boils over.

"Language, Potter. It won't do for the first years to hear you. They're only eleven."

"Well, I don't give a shit about what you have to say, Malfoy! I'll say whatever the bloody fuck I want to!" I cry.

Malfoy smirks. "I suppose I'll just have to punish you every time you curse."

I snort. "What're you gonna do? Hit me? I dare you."

He leans in closer, smirking evilly. "Worse."

His lips brush my ear as he whispers it.

"I'll kiss you."

I pull back, shocked. "You wouldn't."

"Try me."

I don't want to try him, so I manage to refrain from cursing the rest of Potions.

When I get out, I meet up with Ron and Hermione.

"Malfoy said the fucking weirdest thing a while ago-"

Suddenly, Malfoy pops up from around the corner. He grabs my shoulders, and presses his lips against mine.

I jerk back, and wipe my mouth. "Ugh! What the fuck Malfoy?!"

As soon as I say it, I realize my mistake. He quickly kisses me again and pulls away. "Ta, Potter!" he calls as he walks away.

"Whaa...?" Ron says, confused.


Day 2: four times

Malfoy has kissed me four times now. People are giving us weird looks.

Lucky me, I have Charms right now, without Malfoy.

Hermione frowns at me. "You're doing it wrong."

"Well, shit, Hermione, why don't you tell me how to do it then, I'm so fucking interested, can't wait to hear it," I reply sarcastically.

Two seconds of silence.

And then the door blows up.

In the dust stands Draco Malfoy, not a hair out of place. He strides forward, and kisses me. Hard. Then he pulls away and kisses me again.

Then he turns around and walks out of our shocked classroom.


Day 3: Six times.

Me and Neville are talking in front of the Transfiguration classroom.

"We had homework?!"

Neville nods slowly.

I lower my voice so it's barely audible. "Damn it."

When nothing happens, I sigh with relief. I open my mouth to say something else, and Malfoy drops down from the ceiling.

He pulls me close, kisses me, and runs off with a "Later Potter!"

I look up at the ceiling.

"How the...?"


Day 4: Ten times.

I'm in front of the kitchens, going to get food, and I see him.

Draco is casually leaning against the doorframe. I point my wand at him. "Immobulus!"

He freezes in his position.

I stand in front of him.

"Draco Malfoy, we need to have a talk."

His grey eyes bore into mine, and something in my stomach flutters.

"I haven't been able to cuss in days. Days, Malfoy. Do you know what the hell that's like? I fucking cuss all the damn time without even realizing it. Now I have to fucking look over my shoulder every time I whisper 'bitch' or 'damn' or 'fuck' or anything! I can't live like this! So until you can fucking promise me you'll stop, you're stuck in this shithole. Have fucking fun Malfoy."

"Damn it, Draco, the things I do for you."

I freeze. Blaise Zabini calmly walks out of the shadows.

"Finite Incantatum. Last time I'm saving your ass, Draco."

Draco lunges at me, and kisses me. He doesn't stop either. Kiss after kiss.

One kiss. I'm still pissed.

Two kisses. How did Blaise know?

Three kisses. Draco has soft lips.

Four kisses. Damn it, what's happening to my heart?

Five kisses. He has me against the wall, and I can't say I mind it.

Six kisses. I'm kissing back, and I'm not sure why.

Seven kisses. My hands are in his white-blonde hair, pulling at the strands.

Eight kisses. He moans softly into my mouth.

Nine kisses. I've completely forgotten why the hell I never wanted this.

Ten kisses. He pulls back and walks away.

"One for each word, Potter."

That fucking tease.


Day 5: Twenty times

Everyone's in the Great Hall. I see Draco, and he's watching me from across the hall.

I smirk, and move my plate over. I stand up, and climb onto the Gryffindor table.


Draco jumps, and so does everyone else in the Great Hall.

"BASTARD! BITCH! COCK, DAMN, DICK DOUCHEBAG, FUCK, HELL, HOE, JACKASS, MOTHERFUCKER, *****, ***********, ***! *****,*********, *************, ****, *************!!"

I go off for about five more minutes with words I know and other I barely even have heard. By the time I'm done, everyone looks either confused, shocked, disgusted, horrified, or they're staring at Draco because they know why I'm saying these things.

I lower my voice slightly. "I really fucking like you Draco, you dickwad."

He smirks, and lunges across the tables, kissing me over and over and over again.

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