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Blaise Zabini was oblivious as hell. 

The first time Pansy realized this was the day they brought hippogriffs back to the school. 

Harry Potter was petting one, and Draco sighed. “I wanna ride him so bad.”

“But I thought you hate hippogriffs?” Blaise said, oblivious. 

Pansy and Draco both stared at him, incredulous. 

The second time Pansy noticed it was at dinner two nights later. 

Draco was watching Harry eat an ice cream. His tongue flicked out, licking his lips, and he bit his lower lip. 

“I know ice cream is delicious, but Draco we have some,” Blaise said. 

Pansy shook her head, trying to conceal her laughter. 

The third time was when Harry and Neville were talking across the room. 

Draco was staring at Harry unabashedly. 

“He’s so perfect,” he whispered. 

“I know, Draco, but back off of my boyfriend,” Blaise replied. 

Draco dropped his head on the table. Pansy just muttered “not Neville, you idiot,” dejectedly. 

The final time was when Draco actually said it. 

“I’m so in love,” he whispered. “Dammit, I’m screwed.”

Pansy nodded, but Blaise frowned. “Who’re you in love with?”

Draco turned to him, shocked. “Harry, you bloody idiot.”

“Harry Potter!?” Blaise said, surprised. “You’re in love with Harry Potter?”

“Yes, you twat. I’m in love with Harry fucking Potter, and he’ll never know!” Draco threw his head back in exasperation. “Why are you so oblivious, I’ve dropped every hint I could.”

Blaise just smirked. 

“You’re... in love with me?” a quiet voice cut in. 

Draco’s face paled more than usual, and he turned around quickly. “I-um-uh-“

“So eloquent,” Harry teased. Draco flushed. 

“Don’t worry Draco.” Harry stepped forward a bit. “I’m a little bit in love with you too.”

Pansy watched as Draco stared at the other boy in shock, and Blaise smirked. 

Maybe Blaise wasn’t so oblivious after all.

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