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Fair warning; the houses here are going to be extremely stereotypical for the purpose of this story. Ex: Gryffindors are extreme and wild and reckless, Slytherins are evil, Hufflepuffs are sweet and kind and flirty, and Ravenclaws are super smart know-it-alls.

"Dammit, Potter, who taught you how to do Potions?!" Draco shouted. "Longbottom?!"

"Shut up, I'm trying," Harry growled.

"Try harder! It's a simple soul-separation spell!"

"Say that three times fast," Harry muttered.

Unaware that it was a common Muggle saying, Draco took this as a challenge. 

"Simple soul separation spell, simple sperrel- shit. Simple soul separation....."

Harry rolled his eyes and continued working on the potion. Problem was, he had no idea what he was doing.

Um, beetle wings? Probably like, five? And let's toss in a few beetle eyes too, mix it up a bit. Uhh.... what about this? Dunno why it's shimmery, don't wanna know. This looks like- well, it looks like blood. Great. Into the cauldron. Why is it yellow? Yellow wasn't one of the stages. Shit. I fucked up, I fucked up. Um...... daffodil petals should balance it, because daffodils are nice... oh shit.

The cauldron was now bubbling and foaming, something it was definitely not supposed to do.

"Um... Malfoy?"

"-soul sperration- God fucking dammit, Potter! I was on the last one and you fucked me up!" Draco yelled.

"Screw your fucking game, Malfoy! Our cauldron-"

"Oh, yeah Potter, screw whatever I'm doing because your problems are always so much more important-"

"Our damn cauldron is-"


"Oh fuck you Malfoy!" Harry yelled, storming off to ask Professor Slughorn.

He had just reached the professor when something exploded and Malfoy screamed.

He turned around to see the bright yellow potion all over Malfoy, dripping off his clothes, clinging to his hair, stuck to his face.

"Oh, great Potter now you've done it! It wasn't supposed to be yel-"

Draco's voice stuttered, and he paused for a minute before continuing. "It wasn't supposed to b-b-b-"

"Malfoy?" Hermione asked worriedly. "What's wrong with you? Why are you... shaking?"

Malfoy tried to speak, but it was like his teeth were chattering on hyperspeed.

"Malfoy!" Harry yelled just before the blonde exploded.

Harry screamed, as did many other shocked students. Instinctively, he ran toward where Malfoy had been.

The yellow dust cleared, and Harry gasped, stepping back in shock.

There were four Malfoys laying on the ground.

One of them moved, and four girls screamed.

He slowly stood, and Harry noticed something was off about him. What was it?

It took Harry a moment to realize his tie was yellow.

Malfoy smiled brightly, and Harry was momentarily stunned. He had never seen Malfoy smile.

"What happened?" he asked brightly.

"You..." Harry couldn't finish his sentence. He was frozen, captivated by Malfoy's smile.

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