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After the war, Harry has become mute. A mix of different curses that took a while to kick in have rendered him completely unable to speak, and a countercurse has not been found.

Most people stop talking to him, because if he can't talk, what's the point in trying to communicate with him?

And Harry still loves to converse with his friends, but it's difficult for him. Sometimes he can nod or shake his head, or smile or frown, and use gestures so get his general point across. He tried writing down things for a while, but it got too difficult and time consuming.

And Draco notices this and at first, he ignores it. It's not his business.

But then he sees Seamus blatantly ignore Harry attempting to communicate something, and continue talking because he doesn't understand what Harry is trying to say.

And after a few days, Harry stops trying to communicate at all.

And that is something Draco will not stand.

One of the many languages Draco had learned when he was a child  was sign language.

And he decides what the hell, why not do something crazy.

He's going to try to teach Harry Potter sign language.

So at the end of breakfast he approaches Harry, hands him a note, and walks out.

Harry unfolds it, confused.

Meet me in the kitchens after dinner tonight.

Harry is confused, but Draco has seemed nicer this year, and honestly Harry has always sort of had a thing for him, so what the hell, why not go.

And that night he meets Draco in the kitchens.

There is music playing in the background, and Draco is casually sitting at one of the tables.

Harry raises an eyebrow, confused, but sits anyways.

"The music is to eliminate awkward silence," Draco explains. "And I like the kitchens, they're warm."

Harry nods at his explanation.

"I want to teach you sign language," Draco blurts out.

Harry's eyebrows shoot up, then furrow.

"So you can communicate with everyone. I learned it when I was young, and I still remember most of it. I just thought you might like to be able to communicate with others easier."

Harry's eyes are shining with happiness now that he knows it's not a joke, and he nods brightly.

"Okay. So this is the letter A..."

After several weeks of tutoring in the kitchens, Harry knows the alphabet and basic conversational phrases. He's beyond happy.

He's not 100% sure, but he's got a damn good idea that Draco is the one who told McGonagall to make sign language classes mandatory for the other students to learn.

And it does make it easier. More people can communicate with Harry, and after many weeks, there are days where the Great Hall is just dead silent because everyone is talking in sign language.

As for Harry and Draco, they're getting along great. Harry has learned that Draco's smile is beautiful, and Draco has learned that Harry gets freckles in the summertime. They're closer than ever before, and Draco teaches Harry a couple new phrases everyday.

Today's phrase is "I love you."

Harry stills when Draco tells him this, ever so casually.

"See, you hold your hand up, palm facing out, and these two fingers go down," Draco explains, touching Harry's fingers.

Harry looks up at Draco, and shows him the sign.

Draco nods. "Perfect! Next sign is..."

Harry doesn't tell him he means it.

It's two days later when Harry stops Draco in the middle of talking by touching both of his hands.

Draco stills, and stares at Harry. "What is it?"

Thank you, Harry signs. You've changed my life.

Draco's eyes go wide, and Harry has never seen Draco cry but this is the closest he's come.

You're welcome, Harry, he signs in return. May I hug you?

Harry nods, standing. Draco wraps his arms around him, breathing in cinnamon and sugar.

Harry buries his face in Draco's shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut and smiling.

An hour later, Harry signs I love you.

Draco smiles. "Yes, I know you know that one, show off. You're getting good, but we've already gone over that one."

Harry frowns, and decides not to mention that he wasn't practicing. 

It's another week later that they are sitting underneath a tree out by the lake.

Draco is leaning up against the tree trunk, and Harry is between his legs, leaning back against Draco's stomach. Draco's fingers are playing with his hair, and Harry is tracing patterns on Draco's leg.

Thank you, he traces on Draco's thigh.

Draco doesn't seem to respond in any way, so Harry tries again.

You're so amazing, he traces lightly.

When Draco still doesn't respond, Harry goes daring.

I love you, he traces into Draco's leg.

Draco stills at that one.

"What was the last one?" he whispers.

Harry chickens out. I love fries, he signs.

"Oh," Draco whispers in a small voice.

Two days later Harry snaps.

Draco is showing him how to sign the word "Avocado" when Harry stands up abruptly.

Draco stops, startled.

Harry signs fast and angry, and hopes that Draco can read his frantic signing.

Draco Lucius Malfoy, apparently shortcut signs won't work here, so I'm going to spell this out, so you will understand.

Draco blinked.

I. Am. In. Love. With. You. I love you. You can take that how you want, but it's the truth. I love you.

Draco's eyes are wide, and he looks at Harry, stunned. 

"Are you serious?" his voice is barely a whisper.

Harry nods.

Draco smiles softly, and signs back.

I love you more, Harry.

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