Law and Crop Tops

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Draco idly twirled his pencil around on his desk as he waited for the professor to show. 

The doors opened, and he glanced down, expecting to see the professor, but did a double take, complete with gaping mouth, when he saw the person standing there. 

The boy had curly black hair, and deep brown skin. He looked like he might be tall, but it was hard to tell from so far away in the room. 

But holy shit, his outfit. 

The boy wore a pale pink sweatshirt and had matching skinny jeans that contrasted brightly against his dark skin. He looked fucking hot

The boy looked around, and started walking up. 

“No way,” Draco mumbled. 

The boy sat down right next to him, smiling brightly. 

“Hi, I’m Harry,” he said brightly. 

“Draco,” Draco replied. Oh god the hot boy was talking to him. And he had amazing green eyes. 

Maybe majoring in Law hadn’t been such a bad idea. 


Majoring in Law was a terrible idea. 

Not because of the subject itself, but because Harry fucking Potter decided to be extremely hot every fucking day. And it distracted the hell out of Draco. 

Today was the worst. 

Draco was staring straight ahead, trying to ignore Harry, until the boy sat next to him and said “Hi Draco!”

Dammit. He couldn't ignore him when he was talking to him. 

“Hi Harry,” he said, turning toward him. His jaw dropped. 

Harry was wearing a pale purple crop top and fucking white short shorts. 

Harry said something, but Draco couldn’t stop staring at Harry's long legs and that strip of stomach his crop top revealed. 

“I see it finally worked,” Harry said, smirking. 

Draco's head snapped up. “What?”

“I’ve been trying to get you to notice my outfits for two weeks now,” Harry said matter-of-factly. 

“I’ve noticed every freaking day, you’re so distracting!” Draco cried. 

Harry seemed shocked by the revelation. “Really?”

“Yes, really. You’re too good looking for your own good.”

Harry smirked. 

(Insert some sort of conclusion here because I can’t think of anything else to add)

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