Literally One Of My Favorite Prompts Ever

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They asked for wolfstar. They asked for drarry. I got carried away. I'm not sorry. This is pure fluff, I don't even think it has a hint of angst in it my angsty heart is quaking but I'm pleased with the result. //inspired by a tumblr post

"Papa! I made a new friend at kiddergarten today!" Harry exclaimed as he burst through the door.

"Kindergarten," Remus corrected as he kissed Sirius' cheek. His husband gave him a knowing smirk and went into the kitchen. "Who was it?"

"His name is Draco and he's my best friend in the whole world and he has pretty hair!" Harry said happily, jumping onto Remus' lap.

"Draco Malfoy?" Remus asked, shocked.

"Yeah! And he told me I'm his best friend in the whole world too and we held hands and we went in the sandbox together!"

Remus smiled. He would have to give the boy a chance. He was still young, and even if his father was an absolute ass, Draco could be okay.

"That's wonderful, Harry. You should invite him over to play sometime."

"Yes!" Harry cheered. Sirius smiled as he entered the living room, balancing three plates of sandwiches.

"Did Harry tell you about his new friend?" he asked, setting down the plates. Harry happily grabbed his sandwich and started eating.

"He did. Draco Malfoy?"

Sirius shrugged, smiling. "Whatever makes him happy."

"I love Draco, he'sh my besht friend," Harry said through a mouthful of sandwich.

"Swallow before you speak," Remus scolded. Sirius snorted, and Remus smacked him.


"-and his name is Harry and he told me I have pretty hair and I told him he has pretty eyes, because they're really green and he held my hand and-" Draco stopped his rambling here. "Mama, is it okay if I love boys more than girls?"

Narcissa froze at these words. 

Draco was her darling, her world. She knew how Lucius would react, what the rest of the Wizarding World would say. But Draco was  her number one priority, and she would destroy everyone who tried to taint his happiness. She refused to let her son live in fear.

"Of course it is. You may love whomever you wish," she said quietly, hugging her darling son tight.


Harry smiled brightly as he ran up to his best friend.

"My papas said that you can come over and play!" he said excitedly.

"My mama said it was okay that I love a boy more than I like girls," Draco said, just as excited.

Harry's face fell. "You love a boy?" he asked, trying not to sound upset.

Draco giggled. "It's you, silly!"

Harry brightened immediately. "Oh. I love you too!" he said excitedly.

"Yay!" Draco said happily.

"Are we married now?" Harry asked.


"My papas said that when you love someone you marry them. Are we married now?"

"Yeah!" Draco cheered, holding his hand. "I'm so excited to tell my mama that I have a husband!"

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