The Broken Trio

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I had a concept of the Broken Trio, and here it is. It's not really Drarry, but this is my book so fuck you. 💕

Blaise Zabini is cold, cruel, dark. His heart doesn't melt ice, it creates it, and his smirk sends chills up Harry's spine. He sits atop a throne of bone and obsidian, legs crossed, leaning back as though he belongs up there. He holds no weapon, but he's the most dangerous person in the world.

"Haven't you heard, Potter? I'm the king," he whispers , his mocking voice sending chills throughout the air.

"I rule the world."


Draco is ice. He's cold and emotionless, so pale he's almost invisible. He uses this to his advantage when he attacks. He's smooth and silent and kills without mercy. He's never spoken a day in his life, and he doesn't need to, because anyone he bothered talking to would end up dead anyways. He's the Ice Prince of Slytherin, and if I were you, I'd stay out of his way.

Draco's smirk is chilling as he drags his knife along Harry's collarbone. His eyes are empty, and Harry can't help but compare them to a monster.

But the thing that terrifies Harry most is not the blade nearing is throat. It's the dead silence. It's the most blank, empty thing Harry's ever experienced.


If Draco is the Ice Prince, Pansy is his princess. But where Draco is ice, Pansy is fire. She burns hot, her temper hotter. Her attacks are harsh and uncoordinated and untrained, but effective. If you make her mad, you're dead in seconds. She's loud, she's crazy, she's unpredictable. She has too many emotions, and they switch like crazy.

"Oh, you're in for it now, Potter," she hisses, wild flames dancing in her eyes. "I'm gonna cut you to fucking pieces and feed them to my dogs."

She holds her match under Harry's hand, and he screams so loud it almost drowns out Pansy's laughter.

Blaise sits on a throne of obsidian and bone.

Draco sits on a throne of silence and silver.

Pansy sits on a throne of gold and fire.

And together the three are chaos.

Hey guys! So I really liked this concept of the darker sides of the trio. I'd like to do this again, and if you'd like to see another sort of broken/dark/psychotic story, please comment a trio you want me to write about!

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