I Was Broken, And You Showed Me I Was More

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Question of the day: When do you feel the most happy?

It's okay if it's something little. Even the littlest things can bring us joy.

The second time Harry sat down at the Slytherin table, two things had changed.

One, no one seemed surprised to see him there.

Two, Draco was sitting across from him with a soft grin.

"Hey," he murmured. "You weren't in History of Magic. You okay?"

Harry's eyes flicked to Pansy. "I'm better," he decided.

Pansy smiled sweetly. "Glad I could help," she said.

Harry handed her the piece of paper. "Here. I copied them down already."

She took it, and flashed him another grin before looking down to scan its contents.

"She's good at calming people down, isn't she?" Draco asked.

Harry smiled, and nodded. "So are you."

A light blush found its way onto Draco's cheeks. "I try," he mumbled.

"You succeed. Thank you."

Draco's blush darkened. "Of course, Harry."

Harry's eyelashes fluttered. "That's the first time you've ever called me Harry."

"It's about time," Draco responded easily.

"Too right," Blaise agreed. "I think we all regret not being friends with you earlier, Potter. Things could have been different."

Harry tried not to let himself think about the way things had gone. "Things are different. We're friends now, Blaise."

Blaise grinned. "Glad to hear that. Potter."

Harry laughed and rolled his eyes. "Dick."


"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty," Pansy interrupted, reaching across the table to steal one of Blaise's fries.

"How dare you, woman? There are fries right there!"

"But the ones off your plate taste so much better," she teased.

Blaise fake-scowled. "Have another then!" He followed this up with throwing a fry at Pansy's face. She's however, caught it between her teeth and flashed him a smirk.

"How did you just do that?" Blaise asked, shocked.

"Is that why you were having Millicent throw food at you in the Common Room at two in the morning?" Draco shouted in disbelief.

Pansy shrugged. "Blaise throws food at me a lot. Can't let it go to waste."

Harry snorted. Blaise threw a fry at him too.


Harry stared at the doors of the History of Magic classroom. He couldn't.

His heart was racing. His pulse sped up. His head started to spin.

Blaise didn't say anything. He just took his hand and pulled him away. Millicent, Draco, and Pansy followed them.

Blaise pulled him into a random empty classroom. Harry didn't bother asking him where they were.

They sat on the floor, and the others remained quiet while Harry tried to calm himself down.

"That class talks about the heroes and villains of the war. It's not that black and white," Millicent said. "We're not just fighters in a war. We're more than that."

"We're students, we're people, we're survivors, we're individuals. No one knows where our lives will go, but we will be amazing, because we're already amazing. We can only go up from here. We've hit the rockiest of rock bottom, and life is getting better from there," Pansy continued.

"You're more than the Golden Boy, the Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived," Blaise added.

"You're Harry Potter. Our friend," Draco finished. He gave Harry a shy smile and intertwined their fingers.

Harry ignored the fluttery feeling in his heart when Draco held his hand. "Thank you."

"Harry we're here for you. You don't have to reach the point of breaking down to let us know you're not okay. Just let us know," Blaise murmured.

Harry nodded.

They stayed there for a while.

Draco didn't let go of his hand the whole time.


When Harry sat down for dinner with the Slytherins the third time, Braxon just stood up and walked away, looking irritated.

Harry watched with an amused expression, before pouring himself some juice and handing the pitcher to Blaise.

"Surprised he wasn't a Death Eater, with how much of a dick he is," Pansy muttered, stealing one of Blaise's tater tots when he wasn't looking.

"I fucking saw that Pansy."

Maybe he was looking.

Harry ignored them when he felt Draco's ankle rest against his under the table. His eyes darted up, meeting Draco's nervous ones.

Harry relaxed, smiling slightly, and gently swayed their feet under the table.

Draco blushed hard and took a sip of his drink. When he set it back down, his hand remained resting on the table.

Harry reached forward and linked their pinkies together over the table.

Draco's eyes shot up, surprised. He stared at Harry.

Harry tilted his head slightly, a smile on his lips.

Draco smiled back, and continued eating with one hand.

"Can you two stop being gay for two seconds and explain to Pansy that all logic says that the immediate location of food does not make it more delicious?"

"Bull-fucking-shit! Tater tots taste a thousand times better off of your plate than off of the stupid tray!"

"Blaise give it up, just get more tater tots."

"Harry, your eyes are stunning."

"Not as stunning as yours."

"Would you two fucking stop it! We have real fucking problems- Pansy so help me god if you fucking touch that fucking tater tot I will murder you on the spot- THAT'S IT, YOU HAVE ONE SECOND TO FUCKING RUN, PARKINSON!"


Harry took a deep breath as he stood in front of the History of Magic classroom.

Fingers intertwined with his, and Harry glanced up to see Draco smiling at him supportively. Behind him, Blaise, Pansy, and Millicent waited for his decision.

Harry nodded, and smiled at his friends, before walking into the classroom.

"Fucking look at that, Parkinson, if Harry can enter a classroom that gives him anxiety, maybe you can stop eating my fucking food."

"In your fucking dreams."

Harry just laughed. Maybe he could stop associating this class with the anxiety of the war. Maybe he could associate it with Blaise's sarcastic comments, with Pansy's supportive smiles, with Millicent's hugs and Draco's hand in his.

Maybe he would be okay.

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