Dead My Ass

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Dedicated to -Destiel_is_Life- for giving me this idea. Thank yoooou!

"Harry Potter is dead!"

The horrible voice echoed around the courtyard, ringing in Draco's ears.

He didn't process it at first. Harry Potter couldn't be gone. He was the light guiding these blind souls through the darkness. He was Draco's anchor to the real world. If that light was gone...

Harry Potter is dead.

Shock hit him first. He froze, unable to move.

Then pure despair.

He faintly registered someone screaming as he fell to his knees, and he wanted to yell at them to shut up, stop screaming.

Then he realized it was him.

Next came anger. Everyone in the courtyard watched in shock as Draco's head lifted, his eyes glowing with nothing less than pure hatred.

He whipped his wand out, firing curses with deadly accuracy.

Rodolphus, Bellatrix, even Lucius, and so many more fell victim to the green light at the end of his wand.

Eventually, the Death Eaters jumped into action and started firing back, dodging Draco's increasingly furious attacks.

Ginny Weasley stepped forward, next to Draco, firing curse after curse next to him.

Neville quickly joined her side, and Ron, and Hermione, and Seamus and Dean and Blaise and so many more. They shot curse after curse at the retaliating Death Eaters.

Pansy Parkinson ran from the Death Eater side to the Hogwarts side, and quickly, almost all the other teenage Death Eaters ran to join Hogwarts in their battle, leaving their stunned parents to fight against them.

The forces were almost evenly matched. Thousands of Death Eaters against thousands of Hogwarts students and teachers.

The scales tipped when Harry Potter's body fell onto the ground.

Everyone in the courtyard froze. The sound of battle ceased and gave way to dead silence.

"Harry?" Draco darted forward, faster than anyone could have imagined, kneeling next to him. "Harry? Harry, please, wake up."

And Harry Potter's eyes fluttered open. As the crowd gasped, he smiled up at Draco.

"Hey Malfoy," he said hoarsely.

Draco was so ecstatic that he kissed Harry. Almost instantly, however, he jerked away.

Harry looked stunned. "You just kissed me."

"And we can talk about it," Draco pulled Harry to his feet. "After you kill him."

Harry seemed to realize his surroundings. He stood straighter.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" Voldemort's voice boomed across the field.

Harry tilted his head cockily. "I am? I didn't know you could still move after you died."


Harry grinned. "You don't seem to be able to grasp the fact that you are so obviously wrong, seeing as I'm standing right here."

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