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Firstly, thank you all for fifty thousand reads, almost four thousand votes, and two thousand five hundred comments! I love you all!

As a little present to my readers, I don't know if you guys remember Raverinpuffdor, but a while ago I wrote Raverinpuffdor and Raverinpuffdor Pt 2, and i said i would also make a Pt2 alternate ending. However, I contradicted this later and said i wouldn't.

And now i contradict it again, and here you all go! The alternate ending to Raverinpuffdor.


Harry was eating lunch with Draco when Lucius approached him.

"Harry, I believe I've found a potion to cure our current predicament," he said calmly.

Harry stood quickly. "Really! That's awesome!"

Lucius smiled faintly. "Yes, I suppose it is. Would you mind accompanying me to the Potions classroom?"

Harry nodded, and waved goodbye to Draco before joining Lucius.

"What do we need for the spell?" he asked.

"We're going to be using the same ingredients you put in before, with the addition of pomegranate seeds and frozen pixie blood for fusing rather than separating."

Harry nodded as they finally reached the classroom. Lucius opened the door for him, and they walked in.

"What did you put in the potion?" Lucius asked.

"Um... five beetle wings. Maybe three beetle eyes? Then I mixed it, and added something shimmery."

"Shimmery?" Lucius cut in. "Like a sheen, or glitter?"

"Like glitter," Harry confirmed.

"Liiiiiiike," Lucius mumbled as he searched the shelves. He pulled out a jar. "Like this?"

Harry nodded. Lucius groaned.

"Harry, without a counteractant to this, Draco Malfoy as a whole would have been poisoned and died instantly."

Harry's eyes went wide with shock. "Oh God, I'm sorry."

Lucius shook his head, setting down the jar. "What else?"

"Some kind of blood."

Lucius nodded slowly. "What color blood?"

"Red. It looked like human blood."

Lucius nodded, confirming his statement. "That would be the pig's blood. That's the only red blood he has. That was the counteractant to the poison. Thank god."

Harry was still shaken about the idea that he could have murdered Draco Malfoy, but continued. "Then I mixed it again, and freaked out because it wasn't supposed to be yellow, so I added daffodil petals and it exploded."

Lucius sighed. "Christ, Harry. You're lucky we lived."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so we're going to do exactly as you did, but right after we add the daffodil petals we need to add the frozen pixie blood, or it'll explode again and we'll have more problems. So go put the pixie blood in the freezer. It takes about two minutes to freeze."

Harry nodded, taking the small bowl and walking toward the freezer.

"Also, can you grab some pomegranate seeds from the cabinet next to you?" Lucius asked, not looking up.

Harry nodded and set the bowl of blood on the counter, reaching up in the cupboards to grab the seeds. He brought them to Lucius.

"Excellent." Lucius stirred the potion, and added the shimmery substance. Harry stood next to him, watching as he created the potion.

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