Changed (For The Better?) Also, Harry's Gay. We Been Knew

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--Prompt by Yugyeomlove

Harry Potter defeated Voldemort when he was a year old.

Harry Potter defeated him once again when he was eleven.

Harry Potter defeated him a third time when he was twelve.

He defeated Voldemort time after time.

He had watched people die.

He had experienced more in his seventeen-year life than most people did within a hundred years.


Nothing could have prepared him to see Draco Malfoy with blue hair.

"Hermione!" he whisper-shouted, yanking on her sleeve so hard she had no choice but to look up.

"What?" she hissed, irritated at being drawn away from her book.

Harry wordlessly pointed at the once-blonde boy sitting at the Slytherin table.

"Hm. Interesting." Hermione returned to her book.

"Hermione, he has blue hair."


"Hermione, he has flower tattoos."


"Over his Dark Mark."


"Hermione, I've never felt gayer than I do in this moment right now."

"You're bisexual."

"I'm starting to question that."

"You're an idiot."

"There's no questioning that."

"I know.I'm always right. It's one of my more redeeming qualities."

"Hermione, he just winked at me."

"He's probably gay for you."


"Harry, the boy climbed a damn tree to get your attention."


"Harry, he talks about you endlessly."


"Harry, he shouts across the Great Hall to get your attention."


"Harry, he's walking towards us."

"S- What?"

Sure enough, Draco was standing right behind Harry, grinning down at him.

Harry had truely never felt gayer.

"You're staring at me an awful lot, Harry," Draco said, eye sparkling with concealed laughter.

"Draco, we all know you're gay for him, and he's too oblivious to make the first move. Just put your weird foreplay aside and kiss him already, you gay fuck," Hermione muttered.

Draco stared at her for a moment, before meeting Harry's eyes.

Harry just gave him a slightly nervous smile.

Draco rolled his eyes, grinning and pulling Harry up, kissing him hard.

When the blue-haired boy finally pulled away, Harry stood there, stunned.

"Does this mean you like me?" he asked.

Hermione's head could be heard hitting the table.

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