Nothing You Can Prove

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"Potter, dammit, I said essence of belladonna, not straight belladonna!"
"Nothing is straight with you," Harry grumbled back.
"Nothing," he replied irritably. He was pissed because this was the third time they had failed the potion, and dammit if Draco didn't look hot when he was irritated, but he was distracting him.
"Alright, where is it?"
"Hell no, Potter. I'll do it on my own," Draco replied angrily.
"Oh come on! I'll do it right this time, I promise!"
"You suck at keeping promises, Potter."
"Oh yeah?" Suddenly Harry has a burst of courage. "I know one promise I'll keep for sure."
Draco raised a single blonde eyebrow. "And what is that?"
He leans close. "I can promise you, in twenty years, I'll be your second husband."
The effect is instantaneous. Draco's face flushes red, and he steps away, clearing his throat. But then he frowns.
"My second husband? What happened to the first?"
Harry's lips purposely brush his ear, making the blonde shiver, at both the contact and the words that follow.
"Nothing you can prove."

Drarry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now