Full Rainbow

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Harry is walking to class when Draco Malfoy yanks him into an empty classroom.

His first thought is his wand, tucked at the bottom of his bag.

Is this how I die?

"Potter," Malfoy says breathlessly. "You like blokes, right?"

That's not how Harry thought this was going to go.

"I'm out, Malfoy. I'm not ashamed to be bisexual," he says warily. 

"No, I know that, I just need help."

Harry frowns. "Why would I help you?"

"Please, I'm begging you. I'd ask Blaise, but he's going to Paris over Christmas break, and Finnegan and Thomas are going to Ireland together, and they're the only people I know besides you who are gay- well, half gay, I guess."

Harry blinks. "Where are you going with this, Malfoy?"

"I need a boyfriend," he says breathlessly. At Harry's instantly widening eyes, he quickly clarifies. "A fake boyfriend. Just over break. My father is trying to set me up with an Italian girl, and he won't understand that I'm gay until I prove it, so I need a fake boyfriend for the Christmas break. I know you usually go to the Weasley's, but I will owe you big time, I swear."

"You're... asking me to be your boyfriend?" Harry asks, his head spinning.

"Fake boyfriend," Malfoy huffs irritably. At Harry's annoyed raised eyebrows, he raises his hand in surrender. "Sorry, sorry, please, I'm literally begging you."

Harry frowns. "What would I have to do?"

Malfoy considers this. "I dunno... Agree, firstly, and you'll be at the Manor over break, and you would probably have to like, hug me and shit like that and at least pretend to like me."

"Do I have to kiss you?" Harry asks.

Malfoy looks as uncomfortable as Harry feels. "Maybe, I guess. I'm really sorry, I wouldn't ask for you to do this if it wasn't important to me."

Harry sighs. "Fine."

Malfoy breathes out a sigh. "Thank you."

Harry nods, a faint smile on his face for reasons he can't quite explain.


"Ready?" Malfoy asks.

Harry takes a deep breath. "Ready to be your boyfriend for two weeks? Not a chance."

Malfoy laughs, before grabbing his hand and Apparating them away.

Seconds later, the Malfoy Manor is right in front of them, and Malfoy's hand hasn't left his.

Malfoy takes a deep breath and slowly pushes the front door open.

"Draco, darling!" Narcissa Malfoy strides forward, radiating her powerful beauty into the room. She sweeps Malfoy into a hug, which breaks his hand away from Harry's.

She pulls away from Malfoy, and her eyes meet Harry's. A strange expression flicks across her face, something similar to soft fondness.

"I was hoping we could start new," Harry says shyly. He holds out his hand. "Hi, my name's Harry Potter, and I'm Ma-Draco's boyfriend."

Narcissa hesitates slightly, before smiling and shaking his hand softly. "Harry Potter. Why does that name sound familiar?" she jokes.

Harry laughs. Malfoy grins at him.

"Draco, you're hom- oh." Lucius Malfoy stops in his tracks when he sees Draco's company. 

"Draco, why is Harry Potter in my living room?" he asks sternly.

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