Why Ron Hates Draco Malfoy

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Ron hated Draco Malfoy.

Sure, he had ruined their lives and been an evil git to them for years, but this time the asshole had gone too far.

Ron's mind had been linked to Draco's for a day as Charms homework. He hadn't thought it was too bad until...

Well, Draco was dating Harry.

And, well, Draco wasn't exactly the most innocent person.

Harry slammed Draco against the wall of the bar, kissing him passionately as rain fell around them.
Draco groaned and arched his back as Harry sucked on his throat, leaving a mark that would surely be there for days.
"Mine," Harry growled.
"Yes," Draco said breathlessly. "All yours."

Ron burst into the Gryffindor Common Room, growling.

Harry, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Draco looked up at him in surprise.

Harry was laying on the couch, reading a Quidditch magazine. Hermione had been writing something down, and Dean and Seamus had been sitting on the windowsill kissing. Neville had been practicing his Patrons, and Draco was laying on the couch with his head in Harry's lap.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy," Ron growled. "Stop daydreaming about your boyfriend."

Hard looked at Draco in mild arousal and surprise. Draco turned pink, and Seamus fell off the windowsill laughing.

Draco sputtered. "You saw that?"

Ron glared at him. Hermione tried unsuccessfully to cover her laugh with a cough. Seamus was on the floor, gasping for air, and Dean was looking down at him with an expression of love and playful annoyance.

Harry looked at Draco. "What were you imagining, love?"

"Do not answer that!" Ron shrieked. Seamus, who had just been starting to get up again, fell over once more, cracking up.

The peace lasted an hour.

Harry groaned, his body hovering over Draco's.
"Fuck, I love you," he growled.
Draco dug his fingers into Harry's back and pulled him down. "Fuck me."
"Anything for you love."
Harry lowered his lips to Draco's, and something hard touched his-

A bloodcurdling scream made everyone in the Gryffindor Common Room jump.


Draco flushed dark as Ron bolted down the stairs, looking thoroughly scarred for life.

"Sorry, Ron," he murmured. "I forgot."

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