Seven Days (Part Two)

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*Draco's POV*

Harry Potter had been quiet all year. He shied away from people's hugs and barely reciprocated smiles.
And then, for seven days straight, Harry Potter went insane.
He had made all of the forks and knives in the Great Hall dance around. Everyone enjoyed it greatly.
Except me.
I was too busy studying Harry. The boy was smiling, but not a real smile. More of a shadow of a smile.
The next day, Parvati Patil was gushing to her friends about how she had made out with Harry under the stands at the Quidditch game.
The third day seemed normal enough, until my very last class with Professor Snape. His nose had grown and sprouted flowers. Harry had the same fake smile.
The fourth and fifth days, I heard Harry bought the candy shop and bookstore with his fortune and gave them to his friends, who were, of course, overjoyed.
On the sixth day, he threw the biggest party of the year, inviting everyone to the Gryffindor Common Room.
On the seventh day, he came up to me.
"Hi, Draco," he said, staring at the ground. I frowned. What was going on?
He looked almost... nervous?
He lifted his head and stood on his tiptoes, since I was quite a bit taller than him, and touched his lips gently to mine.
"I love you," he whispered, and walked away.
Go after him! My brain screamed. Tell him you love him too!!!
But my feet wouldn't move, and I just watch as he walked down the hall, pulled out a notebook, wrote something, and threw it in the trash.
Now my feet worked. I dashed after him, but he seemed to disappear.
I picked up the notebook.
Well, that's what I had thought it was.
In fact, it was a calendar. A small pocket calendar with eight days of writing.
Day one- Dancing Silverware
Day two- Parvati
Day three- Snape
I read though them all, until I got to day seven, which made my hands shake.
Day seven- confess my love
Day eight- Astronomy Tower 11:00 pm
I frowned. What was happening on the Astronomy Tower? I couldn't remember a party or event coming up.
I shrugged. Looked like I was visiting the Astronomy Tower tomorrow.
The next day, nobody saw Harry. He wasn't in any classes, wasn't at any meals, and didn't visit anyone. It was like he had vanished.
At 10:50, I got out of bed and snuck up to the Astronomy Tower. I hid behind a wall and waited.
Ten minutes later, Harry appeared out of nowhere.
The Invisibility Cloak. Of course.
He had no hesitation. He marched right up to the edge of the tower and threw himself off.
I was shocked. I hadn't expected this.
But it made sense. All the gifts, the revelation, the parties. It was a goodbye.
I stood quickly, screaming "NO!" as Harry flew downwards toward the ground.
I whipped out my wand, point in it straight at the falling boy, and screamed "Levicorpus!"
Harry flew again, but this time upwards, hanging by his ankles. He looked shocked, but then started to struggle. "Let me go!"
"Not a chance, Potter." I floated him toward me and caught him in my arms. "Not without telling you I love you too, you idiot."
His eyes went round, and then filled with tears. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his head in my sweater. I held him close, whispering comforting words, mixed in with several "I love you"s.
I kissed his forehead. "Let's get you to Madame Pomfrey."
He nodded, and let me carry him to the Hospital Wing.
And I knew, that no matter what, I would always stay with him. He would never feel this way again, because I would always be there to comfort him.

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