Without You, I Am Lost

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--Prompt by KitaHeere--

should i start putting trigger warnings? probably. actually, i think i'll put it in the description of the book so people know what they're getting into. anyways, trigger warning i guess mentions of suicide and shit

It's been two days, thirteen hours, and twelve minutes since Harry Potter committed suicide, and Draco hasn't really left this dorm room since then.

Everyone in Slytherin house is a bit concerned about him, seeing as he hasn't eaten or drank anything since it Harry was found on the ground below the Astronomy Tower.

As he steps out of his dorm room, Blaise stands up.

"Hey, Draco, you doing okay-" he starts to say, but Draco just walks past him.

He doesn't really know where he's going, he just knows he has to get away. His feet are walking, and his mind is a million miles away.

Suddenly, he stops.

He's surrounded by trees. The Forbidden Forest.

He looks down, and sees a black stone on the ground. He scoops it up, planning to throw it as hard as he can.

"Miss me?"

Startled, Draco almost drops the stone. He turns around to see the love of his life giving him a sad smile.

"Harry?" he asks, his throat so tight he doesn't know how he managed to speak.

"Hey, Draco." Harry's eyes are soft. They are strange to look at, as they are not longer green. They're white, like the rest of him,and vaguely transparent.

"How are you here?"

"You're holding the Resurrection Stone. I'm curious, though, why am I the one to appear when you hold it?" Harry tilts his head curiously. "There's no one else here."

"You're the only one I care about," Draco whispers.

Harry's eyebrows raise. "Why ever would that be? You hate me, Draco."

"I love you. I've loved you forever, Harry, why did you leave?" Draco is choking back tears, trying so desperately not to cry.

Harry's hand flutters to his mouth. "You love me?"

Draco can only nod, a thousand emotions swirling through his head at seeing Harry again.

"I couldn't take the nightmares anymore," Harry whispers. "I couldn't take the memories, the anxiety attacks, the angry looks from people whose families died in the war, I couldn't take the overwhelming depression from all the people I lost."

"So you threw yourself off the Astronomy Tower?" Draco chokes out, letting out a bitter laugh through his tears.


"I miss you," Draco whispers.

"Draco, I had no idea you loved me."

"Love. Present tense. I don't know if I can ever not love you."

"You have to, Draco. I'm gone."

"What if I don't want to? I want you back, Harry."

"Draco, I'm not coming back. You know this."

Draco closes his eyes. "I know."

"I wish I could hug you."

"I wish you could too."

"Draco, it's time to let go."

Draco rolls the stone between his fingertips. "But it's so difficult."

"Letting anyone go is difficult, Draco. But it's necessary."

Draco looks up at him. "Promise you'll never forget me?"

Harry smiles. "How could I? I was in love with you too."

Draco laughs a broken laugh, feeling hot tears flow down his cheeks.

"I promise I'll never forget you, Draco."

"I promise I'll never forget you either, Harry."

"Goodbye, Draco."

"Goodbye Harry."

Draco closes his eyes, burning his last image of a transluscent Harry smiling sadly at him into his mind, and throws the stone as hard as he can.

When he opens his eyes, Harry is gone and Draco is broken once again.

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