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I'm pretty sure all of my readers will brutally murder me if I don't post non-angst soon so here you go, bitches ;)

I saw a fucking fanart of the Hogwarts students genderswapped and lemme tell you i was seriously considering if I'm really a lesbian when i saw male Luna and lemme tell you again the second i saw female Draco and female Viktor Krum my lesbianness was re-affirmed I'm not okay I'll put the pictures at the end of this chapter complete credit to rdjlock on instagram 

while we're talking about instagram follow me on instagram @ _the_drarry_life_ i post a bunch of really awesome hp edits on my story highlights with credits and i post stories and tumblr posts and aesthetics anyways follow me if you want love you guys 

ALSO if you follow me and want a follow back dm me with your wattpad username so I know you're part of my flamboyant chicken cult (which is the new name for my readers its kinda a long story I don't remember who started it)

"Today we are discussing the situation of gender," Snape says with an annoyed sneer. "With a potion, it is impossibly easy to alter it to change your own gender to that of the opposite sex."

A hand shot in the air.

"Yes, Ms. Lovegood?" Snape asked with a sigh.

"What about magicians who identify as nonbinary or genderfluid or something else?"

"It is possible to alter it to change your birth-given gender to that of the opposite sex. The potion recognizes male and female. That's all there is, Ms. Lovegood."

"I think that's highly unfair, but you do you," Luna comments, leaning back. "I, for one, would find it exciting to be a boy for a bit, but I do enjoy being a girl mostly."

"Good for you. As I was saying, today we will be brewing a potion to change you to the opposite sex for a day. You will take notes on how this changes your life in any way, and come back tomorrow with your notes. Instructions are on the board. You may begin."

Harry sighs, standing up to get the ingredients for him and Blaise. When he brings them back, he can't help but notice the bright smile on Blaise's face.

"What's making you so happy?" Harry asks, smiling slightly as he sits down.

"I've been trying to find a way to change my body into that of a girl's for the longest time." Upon Harry's confused expression, he sighs, smiling. "I'm transgender, Harry."

"Oh!" Harry says, surprised. "That's awesome!"

Blaise looks a little worried. "Do you think Neville will still like me?" he asks nervously. "I haven't told him yet."

"Well, Neville's bisexual, so I don't think it makes much of a difference to him. Besides, he likes people for their personalities, and we know he already likes your personality. That won't change, even if your body does."

Blaise smiles. "Thanks, Harry."

Harry nods. "Now, let's do this potion correctly, so you can be yourself."

After an hour and a half of mess-ups, screaming, and irritation, everyone in the class finally finishes their potions.

"They all look decent," Snape admits, looking annoyed that no one failed miserably. "You may all take a cup and drink some of your potion."

Harry winces as he looks at the bright orange liquid in his cup.

"If I have to get a period, I'm gonna kill myself," he mutters. Blaise laughs, and Harry downs his drink.

He feels the change immediately. His chest feels a bit heavier, but not too much. He almost screams when his dick disappears, but manages not to. His cheekbones shift and his whole body feels out of alignment.

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