I Just Came For The Coffee, But Sure, I'll Have Harry Potter's Heart Too

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Draco taps his foot impatiently. There is nothing he hates more than waiting. As a child, he rarely had to wait for anything, but now that he lived in the Muggle world, waiting seemed to come with the package deal.

Finally, finally, the lady in front of him steps away and Draco walks forward, looks up and freezes.

Harry James Potter, Savior of the Wizarding World, Gryffindor Golden Boy, Boy Who Lived (Twice), is standing behind the counter, counting the money and pushing it into the little slots that hold it.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. What will-" Harry finally looks up, and his words fade away as he sees who he's talking to.

He's taller- how the fuck did he get even taller?- and his previously insane black hair has settled slightly into a mess of adorable curls. His green eyes are alight with surprise, pink lips open in surprise. His shoulders are broader now than they were in school- holy shit, hello muscles- and his jawline could cut Draco.

"Harry," Draco says breathlessly, and silently curses himself for letting Harry's given name cross his lips after seven years of "Potter" and five more years of distance.

Harry's eyes grow even wider at his given name. "Draco," he whispers back. "Hello, Draco."

Draco clears his throat, snapping himself out of it. "I'll have a grande mango dragonfruit refresher, please."

Harry blinks. "Of course. Will that be all?"


"And what is your name?"

Draco laughs. "Don't be stupid."

Harry blushes, and scowls. "That will be $3.50."

Draco hands him exact change, and steps to the side to wait for his drink.

He watches a few more people in line come up and order their drinks. His eyes, however, continue to return to Harry each time.

Damn, he had gotten even hotter.

A man walks up to the counter with an easy smile that Draco immediately hates.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. What will you be having today?" Harry asks sweetly, just like he has with every other customer.

"You, hopefully," the man replies, as if he had practiced it.

Harry pauses. The elderly lady behind him in line sighs irritably. Draco decides he likes her immediately.

"I'm sorry, what drink will you be having today?" Harry restates after a pause.

"C'mon, you didn't even answer me! Can I have you?" the man asks.

Draco wrinkles his nose. 'Can I have you?' Harry's not an object. You can't just own him.

Harry rakes his hands through his hair in a way that is far too hot. "I'm sorry, I'm not looking for a date. What can I-"

"Who said anything about a date? I'm single and hot, you're single and hot... Let's do whatever we think is fun."

Draco feels like throwing up. The little old lady behind the man looks ready to hit him with her red handbag.

"Actually, I'm not single," Harry says desperately.

The man pauses. Draco raises an eyebrow at the blatant lie.

One of the ladies behind the counter hands Harry a drink. He holds up a "one moment" finger to the man, and reads the name off of it. "Draco!"

In an instant, Draco makes up his mind. He pushes himself off of the wall he had been leaning against, and walks forward, grabbing his drink from Harry and flashing him the sweetest smile he can.

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