The Bi Who Lived

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Y'all I am SO BEYOND SORRY for not updating when i promised I would! That was really fucked up and i cant apologize enough. I was stressing over finals and shit but that was no excuse, i gave myself a deadline and i should have met it. I haven't written much, but i will publish what i have and work on it! Again, i'm so sorry.

Harry is panicking and very possibly gay.

Everything could have been fine if Blaise Zabini hadn't gotten so hot over the summer.

And if Neville didn't have abs. 

And if Draco would stop smiling so much.

And if Seamus would stop flirting with him.

Harry buries his face in his hands as Draco brightly smiles and laughs at something Blaise says. Both of them have wide, gorgeous smiles on their perfect faces.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Dean asks from his spot next to him.

"Boys!" Harry shouts, muffled by his hands. "Boys are the problem!"

"Ah." Dean nods. "I remember the panicking 'am I gay' stage."

Harry whips his head up quickly. "You're gay?"

Dean gives him a strange look. "I'm dating Seamus, and last I checked, he had a dick."

"Last you checked was last night," Seamus says with a wink, sitting across from him. "What are we discussing?"

"Harry's having his gay panic stage."

Seamus raises his eyebrows in mild surprise. "Hm."

"But Seamus always flirts with me?" Harry says, confused.

"Seamus flirts with everyone," Dean laughs. "But he know's he's mine."

"Ownership." Seamus gives Dean a predatory grin. "I like it."

Dean leans forward, a matching grin on your face. "Oh, do you?"

"Guys!" Harry shouts. "Crisis over here!"

"Sorry." Dean immediately snaps his attention back to him, although his hand drifts across the table to hold Seamus'. "Have you considered bisexuality?"

Seamus starts giggling, hard.

"What? It's a viable option," Dean says, a slight irritable look on his face.

"No, it's not that, it's just," Seamus cuts himself off with giggles. "You're the Bi Who Lived."

Despite his crisis, Harry breaks into laughter, and Dean soon follows.

"What's so funny?" Hermione asks, sitting down. 

"My ever-changing sexuality," Harry answers.

"The Bi Who Lived," Dean snickers under his breath.

Hermione's eyes go wide, and she bursts into laughter.

"Who came up with that?" she asks, giggling.

Seamus grins at her, and she dissolves back into giggles.

"Creative," a smooth voice says, before Draco and Blaise sit down.

"Thank you," Seamus replies, a bright grin directed at Draco. "Why are you at the Gryffindor table?"

"The Bi Who Lived is much more interesting than Pansy being pansexual," Blaise replies calmly, stealing Hermione's orange juice. Hermione shouts and attempts to grab it back.

"And here I thought I was clever," Pansy says smoothly, sitting between Blaise and Hermione, and stealing the orange juice from Blaise. She takes a sip and passes the glass to Hermione. "But the Bi Who Lived surpasses me once again."

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