Swear On Your Life

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Ron laughed as Harry desperately tried to convince him.

"Seriously, it's like Malfoy's in love with me!" he cried out.

Ron rolled his eyes. "You're not serious."

"Swear on my life," Harry replied, a smile still present on his face.

Ron's smile, however, dropped immediately, and he started stuttering, eyes wide.

Harry whipped around, expecting to see someone behind him, listening. When no one was there, he turned back to Ron, confusion scribbled all over his face.


Ron couldn't seem to think properly. He was still gasping, his face utterly horrified.

"No- Harry- after everything- you can't- not now-"

"Ron!" Harry shook his shoulders. "Mate, what is it?"

Ron's hands fell away from his face as tears seemed to gather in his eyes. His voice was shaky and soft as he spoke.

"Harry, you swore on your life."

Harry blinked. "Yeah. It's an expression. Don't worry, Ron! Is that it?" He laughed easily. "Malfoy's not really in love with me, I was fucking around. Christ, if I'd known you'd take it so seriously-"

"Harry, you're not- you're not understanding. You swore on your life."

Harry blinked several times. "Mate, you're wacked outta your mind."

Ron couldn't seem to form complete sentences. Hermione chose this moment to walk into the room, and stared at her boyfriend in worry.

"Ron? You okay?" she murmured.

"Swore on his life-" Ron sputtered out, seeming to be having a panic attack of sorts. 

Hermione rounded on Harry immediately. "What did you say?"

Harry frowned, not understanding everyone's problem. "We were talking about Malfoy, and I was saying how obsessed he used to be with me, and how he stares at me in class now, and I was joking around and said 'really, he's like in love with me, I swear on my life' and now Ron's being dramatic."

With every word, Hermione's face drained of color more and more, until his final statement, where she nearly collapsed.

"Harry, you fucking idiot," she gasped.

"What?" Harry asked irritably.

"Harry, you're in the damn Wizarding World, didn't you think things like swearing on your life would take an effect? Very rarely are expressions just expressions here, and that is not an expression." Hermione's voice was getting angrier and angrier and more upset.

It finally clicked in Harry's head. "You mean..."

"I mean, if Draco Malfoy isn't in love with you within the next twenty-four hours, you'll be dead, Harry."


After wasting one of his twenty-four hours having a panic attack, Harry set off to find Draco.

It didn't take long. His white-blonde hair was easily noticeable from across the Great Hall. Harry dashed over to the Slytherin table.

Zabini and Parkinson frowned coldly as he approached, but said nothing. Draco, however, looked up, confused.


"Can I talk to you, please?" Harry's voice was tight.

Draco frowned, before nodding and standing up, following Harry out of the Great Hall.

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