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--Prompt by RosesoRoses --


He never asked for this.

He never wanted to be the "Chosen One".

He never wanted to be famous.

He never wanted to be Harry Potter.

And when the pressure came crashing down on him, time and time again, Harry dug his knife into his skin.

It had become a sort of addiction for him, the cutting. He honestly didn't know how he wasn't dead yet, with the amount of time he spent in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, breaking his skin with knives.

Myrtle had become a sort of friend to him. She tried helping him, calming him, and had managed to get him to put down the knife a few times, although it was rare.

And then there was Draco.

Draco Oblivious Malfoy, who knew nothing of his cutting, throwing insults of his dead parents like it was nothing. 

Pansy and Blaise would laugh, but every insult Draco threw was like a knife to his own heart.

Every word hurt him, because he knew Harry was in pain and Harry was stressed and sad and Draco's words only made it worse.

But he had to keep up appearances, and he had no idea the toll it was taking on Harry, so he continued to insult him in the most menacing ways possible.

Until Harry had enough.

It was almost one in the morning, and Harry was alone, save his new friend Myrtle.

He wanted to die and so he tried to dig his knife into his arm harder.

"Elizabeth," Myrtle whispered.

Harry stopped. "What?"

"My name was Elizabeth. Before I died. But no one knows that, because after I died, I was made into a joke. My name was erased, and I was no more than a ghost screaming in the bathroom, begging someone to remember her. Death won't bring you peace, Harry. Death is just another level of torture."

Harry shuddered, lowering the knife. "I didn't know your name was Elizabeth."

"No one did."

Harry looked sadly at the knife. "Maybe I don't want to be remembered."

"Harry, I have something I want to show you."

Harry followed her, soon realizing that they were heading to the Slytherin dorms.

"Invincibility," she says softly, and the door to the Slytherin common rooms opens.

"How do you know the password?" he asked, shocked.

She just winked and led him inside and up a flight of stairs.

He realized they were in the Slytherin boy's bedrooms.

"Hide somewhere," Elizabeth murmured. Harry obeyed, confused. He backed up into the shadows of the room.

"Open the curtains, Draco," she whispered.

And then soft light poured into the bed she stood in front of, as the curtain was whipped aside to reveal Draco Malfoy.

Harry had to physically restrain himself from gasping. Along Malfoy's left arm lied deep cuts, ruining the dark snake curling up his arm, blood dripping onto the white sheets.

"Draco, you need to stop, before you do something irreversible," Elizabeth whispered. "You're not a Death Eater, you are loved, you will be okay."

"Stop lying to me," Malfoy whispered, voice cracked and broken and shaking. Harry had never heard him so broken. "No one loves me. No one wants me."

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