Fucking Potter

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Draco groaned and hit his head against the table, glancing at Pansy in his peripheral vision. 

The darker haired girl sighed. “What is it now, Draco?”

“Fucking Potter,” Draco muttered. 

“Of course,” Pansy replied, rolling her eyes, an action that went unnoticed by the blonde. 

“Almost a decade!” he shouted. “I’ve been trying to get him to notice me for over a fucking decade!”

“Draco...” Pansy murmured, warning in her voice. 

“I visit his compartment on the train every year! I shout to him from across the Great Hall! I climbed a fucking tree to get his attention!”

Draco,” Pansy hissed, more urgency in her tone. 

“God, I’m so fucking in love with him. All I want is his attention, time and love. But no, he’s gotta be the bloody saviour of the damn world-“

Draco!” Pansy cried. 

What!?” Draco shouted, turning to face her. 

“Oh, nothing, just that you forgot we’re in the middle of the Great Hall.”

Draco lifted his head to meet every shocked face in the Great Hall. 

He dropped his head back on the table with a groan.

Hey guys! So, thanks so much for over 8k reads! That's amazing!!!!!!

Also, if you haven't noticed, I changed all the names of my chapters. They used to just be the chapter number, now they all have titles.

So basically I have lots of ideas rn, and I need you guys to tell me what YOU want. I've put my ideas below. Feel free to comment whatever you want, and when I write any of the chapters, I'll dedicate them to whoever commented that they wanted them.


-Transgender Harry\Draco

-Asexual Harry\Draco

-Genderfluid Harry\Draco

-Homophobic Hermione\Ron\Ginny\Pansy

-Drarry as Parents

-Abused by Parent Harry\Draco

-Drarry Wedding

-Drarry Sign Language

-Blind Draco\Harry

-1st year Drarry

-Soulmate AU Drarry

-Draco\Harry coming out

-Cat Ears Harry\Draco

-Harry\Draco as an animal

-Draco\Harry asking Draco\Harry out by notes

-Drarry at a bar

Please comment and tell me!!! Much love 💖



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