Lily Evans Saw Everything

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Lily Evans saw her baby, the precious life she had created and protected. The child she would die for. The child she did die for.

She saw Voldemort attempt to kill Harry. She saw as a lightning bolt formed on her baby's forehead, and Voldemort fled.

She saw Hagrid take Harry to Dumbledore and Minerva, and leave them at Petunia's house.

She saw Harry grow up in Petunia's house. Abused, starved, enslaved.

She saw Hagrid take Harry to Diagon Alley. She saw the excitement on Harry's face.

She saw as he spent first year making friends. She saw him defeat Voldemort a second time, as well as become the youngest Seeker in a century. She saw him make enemies with a boy, Draco Malfoy.

She saw the way others leaned away from him and avoided him after he spoke to a snake. Once again, he defeated Voldemort, as Tom Riddle.

She saw him free her friend, Sirius from Azkaban.

She saw him complete trials and escape death yet again, only to lose his friend Cedric.

She saw him help the Order of The Phoenix, and lose Sirius. Tears rolled down her face as Sirius appeared next to her. He also gazed down at Harry.

She saw Harry brave through losing Sirius. She saw him help Dumbledore with the Horcruxes, stalking Draco, and then Dumbledore died. His spirit appeared next to hers, and he also gazed down.

She saw him camp out in the woods. She saw Ron leave them. She saw them get kidnapped. She saw Draco hesitate, and whisper "I don't know." She saw the love in his eyes. She saw Harry defeat Voldemort. She saw spirits, dozens, appearing next to her. Friends of Harry's.

She saw Harry, Eight Year, struggle with coping after thee battle. She saw him befriend his old enemy, Draco.

She saw Draco and Harry help each other recover from the scars of war.

She saw Draco and Harry get closer and closer, as Ron and Hermione got married.

She saw Draco kiss Harry on Christmas, looking terrified. She saw Harry look surprised. She saw him pull Draco closer into a warm embrace, and kiss him.

She saw them have picnics in the forest, because Draco knew Harry hated to be around people.

She saw them go swimming. She saw them talk about the war. She saw them cry over the lost. She saw them curling up on Harry's bed together, reading a book Draco loved. She saw Harry wasn't reading the book, he was watching Draco's fascinated face with a shy smile.

She saw Draco walk up to Harry at the restaurant, his hand in his pocket, holding the small velvet box inside.

She saw Ron and Hermione show up at the restaurant. She saw them scream at him, call him disgusting and a faggot and how could he pick Draco Malfoy of all people. She saw him cry and say he loved Draco. She saw Draco let go of the box.

She saw Harry at Hermione's apartment, where she threatened to hurt Draco if Harry didn't break up with him.

She saw Harry walk up to Draco, head hung. She saw the tears on Draco's face.

She saw two months of Harry and Draco crying and crying and then she was crying too, because her baby would never be happy.

She saw a determined Draco driving to Harry's house, because he had learned to love Muggle things from Harry.

She saw a determined Harry driving to Draco's house, because he remembered how much Draco loved to drive.

She saw Harry glance to the right at the car crash. She saw him keep driving, until he saw a flash of blonde hair. She saw him slam on the brakes. She saw him jump out of his car, crying and screaming Draco's name.

She saw as Draco appeared next to her, crying. She wrapped him in her arms and whispered that it was okay.

She saw him, dressed in black, in front of a coffin being lowered into the ground.

She saw him cut himself more and more often, until he just gave up, and pointed his wand at himself. She saw the tip glow green, and Voldemort's curse twenty-two years before finally did its job.

She saw Harry appear next to her. He hugged everyone, tears streaming down his face. When he saw Draco, he tentatively walked toward him.

She saw Draco knock him over with a hug, and kiss him softly and whisper that he was sorry, he was so stupid, he loved Harry.

She saw Harry say he loved him too.

Lily Evans saw everything.

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