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Harry was sleeping just fine until Draco decided to be extremely hot. 

It was probably about 2 in the morning when Harry woke up to a sound. 

Confused, the boy looked around the room at the other eighth years. They were all sleeping soundly, but Harry had always been a light sleeper and the slightest sounds woke him. 

He heard the sound again, coming from his right. It sounded like a sort of whimper. 

Now wide awake, Harry’s bare feet hit the floor. He shivered as cold air hit him, as he was only wearing boxers. 

He carefully walked toward the noise. 

It was only when he reached Draco’s bed across the room that he realized the soft noises were moans. 

Each bed in the eighth year boy’s dormitory had curtains around it for privacy. They were dark blue, with a gold trim. 

Harry hesitated. He didn’t know what to do. There was no way he was going to sleep now. 

He didn’t know what to do, that is, until he hear a breathy moan of “Harry.”

Shocked, Harry pulled aside the curtain to see a sleeping Draco. 

The boy’s blonde hair was a mess, and he only wore pajama bottoms, which did nothing to hide the boy’s obvious erection. He was letting out soft, breathy moans, occasionally mixed with Harry’s name. 

He’s having a wet dream? About me? Harry was shocked. Of course he was attracted to the blonde, but he never knew Draco felt the same. 

He hesitated, not sure what to do. On one hand, it was against all bro codes to interrupt a guy’s wet dream. On the other hand, he could make the dream a reality. 

He shook his head. That would be wrong. 

He quickly went back to bed, breathing hard and shocked at himself for even considering it. 

Another soft moan came from Draco’s bed. Harry squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his boxers suddenly become much tighter than they were before. 

He felt his self-control slipping as Draco made more noises, but he held himself back. 

Until Draco hissed “God, yes, Harry!” and let out the sexiest moan Harry had ever heard. 

That was it. Harry jumped up from his bed, stalking toward Draco’s bed and whipping the curtain open. 

Moonlight hit Draco’s face as he moaned softly again, squirming on his bed. 

Harry gave up all self control and moved forward, getting on Draco’s bed and straddling the blonde’s hips. 

“Draco!” he hissed, gently shaking the boy’s shoulder. 

“Hm..hmm?” Draco’s grey eyes slowly opened and he jumped when he realized the position he was in; laying on his bed in only his pajama bottoms with an obvious hard on, with a shirtless Harry straddling him. His cheeks turned rosy. 

“Harry? What are you doing?” he blinked, rubbing his eyes. 

Harry smirked. “You talk in your sleep.”

Draco’s eyes went impossibly wide, and he turned a very dark red. 

“How much did you hear?” he whispered. 

“Oh not much,” Harry murmured sarcastically. “‘Oh god, yes, Harry!’” he mimicked Draco’s moans. “Fuuuck, yes right there!” He smirked at Draco’s horrified expression, and mimicked one of Draco’s sexy moans. 

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