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Prompt by LightBlueOctopi

Ginevra Molly Weasley is a fucking evil genius.

Ever since she and Harry broke up, she has been trying to get him to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, but Harry insists he should focus on his schoolwork instead.

Ginny says fuck schoolwork.

This conversation is in her mind as she waves her wand, casting an incantation over the eighth year dorms' doorway.

Whoever walks through this doorway, with the exception of Harry James Potter, shall fall in love with Harry for one day.

She grins, satisfied, as the door shimmers purple before returning to normal.


Harry walks through the door and almost screams when he sees Seamus right in front of him.

"Harry!" Seamus says breathlessly. "I've been waiting for you! Let's walk to breakfast together!"

Harry blinks. "Erm, okay."

They walk into the Great Hall, and almost immediately, he notices all the eighth years staring at him.

He frowns slightly, but sits next to Seamus at Gryffindor table.

"Harry, will you go out with me?" Seamus blurts out.

"What?" Harry asks, shocked. "You're dating Dean!"

"I broke up with him for you," Seamus says, a strange emotion flashing through his eyes.

"I'm not upset about it," Dean says from across the table. "In fact, I was gonna ask you out, but I guess he beat me to it." He looks down at his food sadly.

"What is happening?" Harry asks.

Suddenly, Seamus is shoved aside and Hermione sits down where he had been.

"Harry," she murmurs softly. "Something strange is happening. I was fine this morning, and then I walked through the Common Room door and suddenly, all I wanted to do was kiss you."

"Erm..." Harry leans away from her. "Please don't."

"No, that's the problem. I want to love Ron, but it's like... overshadowed suddenly. I think someone cursed me."

"Not just you," Harry says slowly. "Seamus and Dean too."

Hermione looks up and sees eyes from every table on them.

"I think it's all the eighth years," she says suddenly. "All of the eighth years have been cursed to love you."

"Just the ones who walked through the Common Room door, and only for a day," Ginny's voice cuts in.

Harry spins around. "You did this?"

She grins and shrugs.

"Can you please take it off of me?" Hermione says in a strained voice. "I hate it."

Ginny's expression softens, and she nods, waving her wand over Hermione. The brunette relaxes. "Thank you."

"Why?" Harry asks desperately.

Ginny winks. "Find your soulmate."

With that, she walks away.

Harry turns to Hermione desperately. "Please protect me."

She nods, grinning. "Although seeing the Slytherins in love with you should be hilarious."

Harry's mind immediately goes to Malfoy. How does the blonde act when he's in love?

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