Not Today

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Draco wakes up every day to his mother shaking him gently.

He can see a different fact about her hovering over her head every day.

Today it's Narcissa Malfoy had toast for breakfast, and she thinks she doesn't have time to eat more.

"Mom, eat a little more. I don't want you starving," he says.

She shakes her head, smiling. "Nothing slips by your ability, does it?"

Draco laughs lightly.

Just like everyday, everyone has a different, new fact hovering above their head that only Draco can see.

Astoria Greengrass lost her virginity last night, and she's afraid everyone will think she's a whore.

Hermione Granger was up until one in the morning studying, and she's starting to regret it.

Blaise Zabini wants to break up with his girlfriend, but he doesn't want to hurt her.

Pansy read six hours worth of fan fiction last night, and she feels very emotional.

Astoria is sitting in a chair, looking slightly upset. Draco walks up to her.

"It doesn't make you a whore, Astoria. No one will think that."

She looks at him nervously. "You're sure?"

Draco smiles. "Of course."

He walks up to Hermione, and leads her away from the pole she almost walked into in her sleepy state.

"Go home, Hermione," he whispered, leading her toward the front of the school. "Get some sleep. I'll take the notes for you."

She smiles a sleepy smile at him. "Thanks Dray."

"She wants to break up too," Draco whispers in Blaise's ear as he passes him. 

"I read it too," he mutters to Pansy, handing her a chocolate bar. "Eat your feelings away."

He continues his route through the school, until he reaches the end of the hall and stops.

Everyone in the school's facts change each day.

Except Harry Potter's.

Because every day, the fact above Harry's head states,

Harry Potter wants to die, and he's not sure how long he can hold on.

Every day, Draco avoids him because he doesn't know how to help him.

But today, it's different.

Harry Potter wants to die, and it's going to happen tonight.

Draco drops his backpack on the floor and rushes forward. He places his hand between Harry's shoulder blades, afraid to pull his arms in case secrets lie there too.

He guides Harry to the nearest boy's bathroom, locks the door, and makes sure no one else is there.

Harry isn't saying anything, just sitting on the floor staring at the ground.

Draco drops to his knees and just hugs him.

Harry tenses, but relaxes when he realizes Draco's intention is not to hurt him.

"You don't have to tell me why," Draco whispers. "Just promise you won't, please, not today."

Harry breaks, crying on Draco's shoulder.

"It's too hard, Draco," he whispers, his voice cracking. "I can't deal with it much longer."

"I'll get you through this Harry, just promise you won't do it. Not today."

Harry promises.

Draco finds Harry every day, and hugs him, and makes him promise not today.

Every day for that entire year, Harry promises not today.

Until it's the last day before summer vacation. Draco hugs Harry.

"You're hanging out at my house a ton over vacation, right?" he asks.

"Yeah," Harry's smile is brighter than Draco's ever seen.

"Not today, okay?" Draco whispers.

"Dray," Harry whispers back. He lifts his sleeves, and Draco can see faded scars, months old, but no recent ones.

Harry hugs him again.

"Thanks to you, I think we can change it to not ever."

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