I Fucking Love You

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Happy Holidays!! As a present, I've uploaded four new chapters on this book, as well as one for Innocents Be Damned and Hold My Hand!!!

I hope you have a great day, everyone!!!!



Jesus fucking Christ. 

Hermione could barely stand it. The way Draco stared at Harry was unmistakably love, but Harry was so fucking blind. 

Everyday, Draco dropped pickup lines, and Harry just laughed like they were jokes. 

But Hermione always saw the crestfallen look on Draco's face as he turned away. 

Draco occasionally brought Harry gifts; enchanted flower petals that drifted above his head, stuffed animals, candy, anything and everything he could give to Harry, he did. 

Harry just said thank you, and excitedly turned all attention to his presents. 

And Draco smiled that strained smile. 

But that fucking look. 

Harry would be daydreaming, or doing work, or just about doing anything, and Draco would be staring at him with an expression of absolute devotion. 

He was so in love. 

Harry obviously had never even considered that Draco might like him, as whenever Hermione brought it up, he laughed it off. 

Draco gave up. He stopped giving Harry gifts, he stopped flirting, he stopped smiling, he stopped being anywhere near Harry. He avoided him at all costs. 

Finally, finally, Harry noticed something was up. He asked Hermione why Draco had started ignoring him, but she didn't answer. 

Harry confronted Draco one afternoon. 

"Draco Malfoy," he said, his voice dangerous. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I'm not," he muttered. 

"Yes you fucking are!" Harry cried. 

"Maybe I am! There's obviously a reason, so why don't you fuck off?" Draco shouted back. 

"Because I want you to tell me why!" Harry was getting angry. 

"It doesn't matter!" Draco shoved him away. 

"Yes it fucking does! Why are you avoiding me?"

"Because I'm fucking in love with you!" Draco blurted out. 

The effect was instantaneous. Harry's eyes grew round and shocked, while Draco's became horrified. 

Draco turned on one heel and bolted out of the room. 

Harry turned to Hermione, who nodded sadly. He took off after Draco. 

"Draco! Wait!"

The other boy turned a corner and ran into an empty classroom. Harry followed. 

Draco dropped to the floor and put his head in his hands. 

"Go away," he muttered. 

Instead, Harry sat down next to him. He pressed his lips against the shell of Draco's ear, causing the other boy to shiver. 

"I fucking love you too."

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