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This one shot is dedicated to AutumnBaine for giving me the idea. Thanks so much!!

Harry hated parties.

Drinking, dancing, yelling, it had never been his kind of thing.

But the worst thing was probably the horny teenagers.

Each of the girls who approached him were either Hermione and Ginny, or they wanted sex.

They would flirt with him, leaning forward to expose their chests, giggling and twirling hair.

Then they would not-so subtly ask him to have sex with them.

Currently, it was Parvati Patil. The girl was wearing a low-cut shirt and was leaning forward to give Harry a great view of her breasts, a view he was not taking.

"Cmon, Harry, let's go to your room," she murmured, tugging his tie so Harry was standing closer to her.

"I'm demisexual, Parvati," he tried to explain.

She frowned. "The hell does that mean?"

"I don't experience sexual attraction unless we first have a romantic bond."

She frowned. "That's stupid. Why would you do that?"

He blinked. Once. Twice. Was she really that dumb? "It's not a choice, Parvati. It's just who I am."

She rolled her eyes. "It's dumb."

And she walked away.

"Hey Potter." A slightly tipsy Draco walked up to him. "We should fuck."

Harry snorted. Maybe he wasn't just tipsy. "What?"

"We should fuck," Draco said, slower.

Harry snorted. "I'm demisexual, Draco."

Draco frowned in confusion.

Harry sighed, tired of explaining. "I don't experience sexual attraction unless we first have a romantic bond."

Draco thought about that.

"Okay!" he replied cheerfully.


*Draco's POV*

Draco was determined to sleep with Harry Potter.

No one had ever rejected him, and Harry James Potter would not be the first.

So he did what any rational person would; he decided to make Harry like him.

It started with little notes.

You're adorable when you laugh.

Harry looked up, startled at the compliment. Draco wiggled his eyebrows, smiling at him.

You're so cute. I really like you. You're really funny. You're adorable. You're handsome. You're really hot. You're so sweet.

One after another, Draco sent him notes in classes. Harry seemed to anticipate them more and more.

Then Draco started asking him on dates.

Cafés, The Three Broomsticks, restaurants, bars, the two boys went on date after date, but never announced themselves as official.

Draco knew Harry was starting to fall for him. The boy gave him little kisses, and stared at him when he thought he wasn't looking.

The bad part was, Draco was starting to fall for him too.

No, dammit! he scolded himself. You were supposed to make him like you so he would fuck you, not so you could like him back, you squirrel nugget!

Nevertheless, Draco found himself falling for the raven-haired boy more and more every day.

"Harry," he murmured, tracing his thumb along Harry's hand. "I gotta question."

Harry turned his sweet smile to Draco. "Yeah?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry looked surprised, then confused. "We weren't dating before?"

Draco smacked the side of his head lightly. "No, you ding dong."

"Oh." Harry stared at him thoughtfully. "Then yeah, I'll be your boyfriend."

Draco would never admit it, but that was the happiest day of his life.

At least until three years later, when they got married.

And they did have sex after they started dating.

Loooottttss of sex.

Parvati regretted walking away from Harry that night for the rest of her life.


Actually it took four days.

But anyways I'm sorry it took so long.

I'm gonna try to update my other stories, as well as write the fanfic I promised last chapter.

Thank you all for being so patient!!!😘💗💗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


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