Kiss Cam

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The last Quidditch match of the year. Harry shook out his hands. His nerves wouldn't fade though.

And not only was this the last game of the year, but this time they were introducing something new. A kiss cam.

Harry mostly ignored it. It was supposed to choose the people with the most chemistry, and the only person Harry liked hated him.

Oliver nudged him. "Potter, you alright?"

"What? Oh, yeah."

Oliver nodded slowly. "Okay."

"And now, our two teams for the last game of the year!" Lee Jordan's voice shouts. "And here comes... GRYFFINDOR!"

Oliver marched out to the field, broomstick in hand. The Chasers and Beaters followed, and then, finally, Harry.

Oliver shot into the air, his broomstick leaving a trail of red sparks in the air. The Beaters followed him, and they traced a shape in sparks in the air. The three Chasers joined them.. Harry remained on the ground.

They finished the shape, a sparkling red Gryffindor lion, and Harry shot in the air. Gold sparks flew from his broomstick, and instantly the red lion became a red and gold lion. The crowd cheered.


Out came Slytherin's Keeper, their Chasers, and their Beaters. But Harry ignored them as they started tracing a green snake in the air. His eyes were focused on a pale blonde Seeker standing below them, holding his broomstick.

The Slytherin team finished their snake, and Draco got on his broom and flew into the air, silver sparks the color of his eyes flying behind him. The snake turned green and silver.

As Draco began to raise his gloved hand, Harry remembered his part and rose his gloved hand as well. His glove glowed red, and Draco's green. The lion roared, and the snake hissed loudly.

They both thrust their hands toward each other, and the lion and snake soared toward each other. They collided in the middle in a mix of green, gold, silver, and red sparks. From the sparks flew two Bludgers, the Snitch, and the Quaffle. The game began.

Draco and Harry circled each other, each searching for the Golden Snitch.

Suddenly, the crowd cheered. Slytherin had scored. The Kiss Cam flashed to Seamus and Dean, who flushed and kissed. The crowd cheered louder. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Stupid idea," he muttered. Harry nodded.

The two teams scored more times, and many people were forced to kiss, including Hermione and Blaise, Ron and Pansy, Dumbledore and McGonagall, and Luna and Neville.

Harry snorted when Ron and Pansy kissed. "They have the most chemistry? Their attraction is purely sexual."

Draco shrugged. "The whole thing is a joke. Longbottom  and Looney Lovegood  have about as much chemistry as you and me." He snorted.

Harry faked a laugh.

Suddenly, he spotted the Snitch and dived after it. Draco followed. They were neck and neck, but Harry barely pulled ahead and grabbed the Snitch.

The crowd cheered and Lee Jordan announced the win. Harry looked up to see who the last Kiss Cam couple would be.

His mouth fell open. Draco glanced at him. "What's your problem?" He followed Harry's eyes go the Kiss Cam picture of a blonde boy and a boy with a lightning scar on his head.

"Oh shit."

The crowd was screaming. Harry and Draco faced each other with matching horrified expressions.
Draco smirked. "Scared, Potter?"

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