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Harry is walking to the tree, his meeting spot with Draco, when he feels two arms encircle his waist.

"Have you thought any more about my offer?" Cedric asks, voice soft in Harry's ear.

Harry pulls himself out of Cedric's embrace. "I already told you, Cedric, I'm with Draco and I love him. It's never gonna happen."

Cedric sighs dramatically. "He has nothing on us, Harry. Just one date. I'll show you how much better I am."

"Not happening," Harry insists.

"I'm so much better than him, Harry. He's a terrible person."

"He's an amazing person, Cedric, and I would kill you myself for saying that if Draco wasn't already going to kill you."

Cedric frowns. "Wha-"

A figure drops out of the tree directly behind Cedric.

"I'm giving you three seconds to run, Diggory."

Cedric's eyes are wide and horrified, and he mutters "fuck," before dashing off.

Draco grins at Harry, leaning against the tree.

"Don't hurt him too much. He's a nice guy, he just has the wrong idea," Harry says, smiling at his boyfriend.

Draco smirks darkly before racing after Cedric in a dead sprint.

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