Dream Part 2

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Harry has given up sleep. 

He's tired of it, tired of having his heart broken over and over again by dreams of the one person he can never have.

He's exhausted, but he's also dream-free, so it's worth it.

When he reaches Gryffindor table, Hermione gives him a concerned look.

"Harry, when did you last sleep?" she asks, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Like, two... three days ago?"

Her face falls. "Harry-"

"I know, Hermione, but I can't. It's too painful."

She sighs. "Harry, you need to sleep. Have you tried Dreamless Sleep potions?"

"They don't work. Nothing works. Imperius doesn't work on me, dreamless sleep doesn't work on me, Avada Kedavra doesn't work on me, nothing works," Harry mumbles.

Hermione blinks. "What does that even mean?"

"I dunno, I'm delirious," Harry mutters, grabbing a bagel. He takes a bite out of it. Hermione watches in horror as he eats a dry bagel with nothing on it.

"Jesus Christ, you need sleep," she mutters.

Harry snorts, and stands up, setting his bagel down. "C'mon. We have Transfiguration in ten minutes."

She nods in agreement and stands up to join him.


Harry is half asleep as McGonagall talks. His head is slipping off his hand, and he's so close to sleep...

"Mr. Potter!"

His reaction time is slow, but he still manages to knock his papers off his desk as he jerks awake.

"Yeah?" he asks, briefly forgetting where he is and who he's talking to.

McGonagall's face softens when she sees the exhaustion in his eyes as he scoops his papers off the floor.

"Mr. Potter, I think you should go to Madame Pomfrey," she says, concerned.


"Now, Mr. Potter."

Harry nods, sighing, and stands up, only to fall to the floor seconds later, unconscious.


Draco is the closest one to Harry, and he's out of his desk in half a second, catching Harry before his head hits the ground.

"Potter?" he asks, worried.

McGonagall rushes over. "Mr. Malfoy, please take him to the Hospital Wing immediately. Ten points to Slytherin for saving another student."

Draco nods, throwing Harry's arm over his shoulder and lifting his legs, carrying him out the door.

"Damn, you're heavy Harry," he mutters. He sets Harry down gently and casts a Wingardium Leviosa to levitate him to the Hospital Wing.

Madame Pomfrey doesn't even glance away from Susan Bones' arm, which she is waving her wand at. "Please fill out a form-"

"Madame Pomfrey, he collapsed in the middle of class. I don't know what's wrong with him," Draco says desperately.

She turns around quickly. "Oh my. Set him here. Yes, thank you." She waves her wand over his head, casting diagnostic spells over him.

After a few minutes, she frowns.

"What is it?" Draco asks.

"He hasn't been sleeping. At all. His body hasn't rested in over seventy-two hours."

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