Raverinpuffdor Pt 2

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Wow I suck at updating

You might wanna reread the last chapter to refresh your memory, because I haven't updated in nine years.

This took me days to write.

Its real long, 3,952 words.

Today, Dray had decided to go down to the library to bring Lucius cookies and see how his progress was coming along, and Draco was busy trying to find Malfoy.

So Harry finally had a day where he could hang out with all his friends, plus Blaise and Pansy, who had proven to be decent people.

Currently, they were all sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room. 

Neville sat next to Blaise on the floor, and Hermione was sitting on Ron's lap on a comfy armchair. Pansy sat on the couch with Dean and Ginny. Harry sat on a loveseat with Seamus.

"Lucius hasn't made much progress yet," Hermione said. "But he is very interesting to talk to. I had no idea Draco- the whole Draco- was so smart. It's a whole other side to him."

Blaise nodded. "Draco's always been smart. He was always second place in grades, just under you Hermione. That frustrated him more than anything."

Harry was surprised to realize that Hermione was genuinely warming up to Lucius.

"Yeah. Draco's pretty damn funny too. I had no idea," Ron added.

Neville nodded. "And he's real good at chess. Beat Ron a couple times."

"Shut up!" the redhead laughed, throwing a pillow at Neville. Neville laughed, and tossed it to Blaise.

Seamus laughed. "Yeah. It's weird to genuinely get along with him, but Draco's really pretty chill. I guess it's just his Slytherin side that's such an ass."

"It's not so much that he's an ass as it's a wall he feels he needs to maintain," Pansy added. "I assume that the Slytherin one- Malfoy- has that wall still, and that's why he's such a jerk."

Harry nodded. "At least what Malfoy has in anger, Dray makes up for in compassion."

Ginny snorted. "Yeah, I'm sure you're really enjoying his 'compassion' towards you, Harry."

Harry laughed, grabbing the pillow from Blaise and throwing it at her. "Shut up, Ginny!"

She laughed, catching the pillow and throwing it back at him. "I think little Harry has a cruuuusshhh!!"

Harry laughed. "You suck."

"You swallow," she shot back.

"Ginny!" Ron shouted, horrified. Hermione fell over laughing.

"Do you really like him, Harry?" Blaise asked curiously.

Harry bit his lip. "It's conflicting. I know I really like Dray. but I'm just not as close with Draco and Lucius. And I don't think I like Malfoy. If I only like one-fourth of him, does it really count as a crush? When he's back, Dray will be gone, shadowed and hidden by Malfoy."

The room was quiet. Then Pansy spoke.

"He used to be an asshole in first year to us, too. The way he is with you, how he's always so rude? He used to be like that with us. But then he learned to trust us more, and he became more and more open, and the Dray side shone through more. Maybe you need to get to know him and get him to trust you more."

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