City of Sin

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This is a long chapter, and its a bit different than what I usually write.

Also, some of these quotes are stolen from Tumblr. Most aren't, but some are


Draco’s cold eyes watched Harry and Fleur as they laughed. 

“Look at him, talking to Fleur. What’s so great about her? Is it because she speaks French? It’s a stupid language,” Draco said bitterly. 

“Draco, darling, you speak French,” Pansy replied calmly. 

“Maybe it’s because of her abnormally pale skin. She looks like a snowball,” he continued, turning back to face Pansy and Blaise again. 

“Draco, you’re equally as pale,” Blaise responded with a smirk. 

“Or maybe it’s her stupid blonde hair. Who even wants hair that blonde? It’s practically white.”

He frowned as Pansy and Blaise’s eyes rose above his head. He turned in his chair to see Harry standing behind him, smirking. 

“Draco, you have the same color hair as her,” Harry said, a grin on his face. 

Draco frowned. 

“Someone sounds jealous. Does poor Draco wanna be my friend?” Harry mocked, a smirk crossing his face once more. 

Blaise snorted, leaning back in his chair. “Oh, he doesn’t want to be your friend, Potter.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Then what does the Slytherin Ice Prince want?”

His green eyes pinned Draco in place, daring him to answer. 

Pansy decided to do it for him. 

“I believe what the Slytherin Ice Prince wants is the Gryffindor Golden Boy’s tongue down his throat,” she murmured, taking a sip of her drink. 

This didn’t deter Harry’s grin in the slightest. If anything, it grew wider. Predatory. 

“Is that so?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “I suppose that can be arranged.”

In one fluid motion, he moved from behind Draco to straddling his lap, hands cupping his jaw, face impossibly close to Draco’s. 

“Is that what you want, Draco?” he whispered. 

Draco tilted his head up, just a fraction. “Yes,” he hissed. 

Harry grinned once more, before leaning forward and capturing Draco’s lips with his own. 

And by God, kissing Harry Potter was fucking revelation. 

His lips were softer than the harsh words that usually escaped them, and hotter than the heat between Draco’s legs as Harry moved impossibly closer and swept his tongue along Draco’s bottom lip, begging for an entrance that Draco immediately granted. 

Harry’s lips were dirty, but his tongue was downright sinful

“Well, looks like Draco got his wish,” Pansy’s voice remarked. 

Harry pulled away slowly, eyes dark with lust, a slow smirk spreading across his lips. 

“I think I got mine too,” he said softly, so only Draco could hear.

With this, he twisted in Draco’s lap so he was laying sideways across the chair, legs thrown across the arm, head resting on the arm. As if on instinct, Draco’s fingers began to run through his hair slowly. 

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