Going Away Gift 7

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Harry's soul marks have always confused him.

Not because they say anything weird, but because there's two.

On each arm.

Harry has never met anyone else with two soulmates, and he's beginning to think he's fucked up.

So he keeps one, and covers the other with concealer he steals from his mother.

While Oops, I didn't see you there is prominently displayed on his right arm, the words Watch out! are covered.

And while I love you shines brightly on his left arm, I'll never forget you is hidden from the world.

It happens when he's seventeen and walking down the street. A girl carrying a huge stack of books crashes into him.

They both fall to the ground, and she immediately crawls over to him to make sure he's okay.

"Oops, I didn't see you there!" she chuckles brightly. "Sorry!"

Harry grins despite the minor pain in his head. "Don't worry about it."

Suddenly he stiffens, and stares at her. She's holding out her arm, which says the exact words Harry just said.

Harry shows her his arm. She smiles brightly.

"Hello soulmate," she chuckles lightly, picking up her books. "I'm Hermione."

Harry smiles. "Harry."

"Wanna... grab coffee?"

Harry helps her pick up some of her books, and holds them for her. "I'd love to."

A half hour later, the pair are sitting in a café. Hermione is drinking her latte, but Harry is simply drumming his fingers next to his iced coffee.

"Erm... Harry? Is something wrong?" Hermione asks.

Harry glances at her. "I'm not sure yet. I have a question." 

Hermione nods, encouraging him.

"Do you... have... two-"

"-soul marks?" Hermione guesses, grinning. She rolls up her sleeve, rubbing away at makeup to reveal black, half-concealed words.

"I felt awkward, because know one else did," she says, her face flushing.

Harry grins and rubs his concealer too. "It appears we had the same idea."

She smiles. "What are your other soulmate's first words?"

"Watch out," Harry replies.

Hermione frowns. "Hm...  We must be at different spots when we meet him. Mine says 'Hello, you must be Hermione.'"

Harry grins. "Well, this should be interesting. In the meantime, we should really get to know each other."

Hermione leans forward, smirking. 

*two months later*

Harry wakes up to his phone ringing. He smiles at his girlfriend's antics, and presses the answer button.

"Eight a.m. wake up call!" her bright voice sings.

"Good morning to you too, love."

There's soft laughter. "Wanna meet at the library today? I need to get a book."

Harry laughs. "You and your books." But he knows the book is for her test on her psychology exam next week. She's trying to get her doctorate in psychology, and is in her last year of schooling.

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