Jenna Jackson

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Harry was in love with Jenna Jackson. 

That was something he could never deny, not when her long black hair was cascading down her shoulders, not when her sparkling blue eyes viewed the world before her. Not when her short tan legs were politely pressed together, because she was a lady. Not when she wore loose white blouses and short shorts.  Not when her fingers tightened on her pencil because she was focused so hard, not when her smile was so perfect and exact, not when her makeup skills flawlessly created her face. Not when her laugh sounded light and soft, as it was always quiet, not when she refused to curse because it was unladylike. 

Harry was in love with Jenna Jackson. 

And Jenna Jackson fucking knew it. 

She spent freshman year pretending Harry didn’t exist, even though the boy smiled at her when she looked his way, even though he grabbed her pencils when they fell and brought papers to her so she didn’t have to stand. 

Even though Harry Potter was the sweetest person ever, and so clearly in love with her, she ignored him. 

Sophomore year, she smiled back for the first time. And Harry almost fell over. 

He loved her small, perfect smile. 

She said thank you when he brought her things, and asked him to get her stuff. 

Of course, poor lovestruck Harry complied. He brought her coffees everyday, and jewelry when he could afford it. 

She gave him quick “thanks” and brief smiles. 

Ron told him she wasn’t worth it, that Jenna was using him. 

Harry was blinded by flashy jewelry and black hair and illuminating blue eyes. 

Junior year, Harry asked Jenna on a date. She made a strange expression and gave an excuse, along the lines of “something else to do” and “sorry”. 

Harry smiled brightly and said “maybe next time” because he knew better than to push people. 

But she kept rejecting him, and Harry kept falling harder and harder, and what was he supposed to do?

Jenna was pristine perfection. 

And Harry didn’t know what to do; how could he make this perfect girl love him back?

Jenna Jackson was destroying Harry Potter. 

Senior year, The Boy came to their school. 

His name was Draco Malfoy. He had moved here for his last year of high school. 

Rumors swirled the boy. Some said he had gotten kicked out of his last school because he got in a fight. Some said he blew up a car. Others whispered that he had blackmailed the principal and gotten caught. 

The Boy intrigued Harry. 

He was the exact opposite of Jenna. He had naturally curly blonde hair that he sometimes bothered to straighten. He had warm grey eyes that flashed with anger when someone irritated him. He had long legs that were constantly resting on his desk, crossed at the ankle. His fingers idly drummed the surface of his desk as he watched the clock, waiting for class to be over. His smile was rare and bright and slightly crooked. He had a light dusting of freckles across his face. His laugh was rarer than his smile, but on the rare occasions it was heard, it was loud and full of life and bright and happy. He cursed loudly whenever he wanted to, and no one dared to stop him. 

He was the opposite of Jenna, and Harry hated him. 

He hated that the boy was so loud, he hated that the boy was always talking to Harry, he hated how rude he was, he hated everything about the boy. 

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