But Without You, I'm Blind

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Part two to With You, I See 

I'm back lmao

Question (comment) of the day: Say "I Love You" in as many languages as you can (its okay if it's only one)

Harry was irritated.

Today was just too much. He was anxious, he was overwhelmed, he didn't want to exist.

Draco was sitting at his desk in Potions, eyes glassy, but his hands ran over the surface of his desk, picking up things and determining whether they were what he was looking for.

Harry huffed. Snape had to fucking separate them, didn't he? Dick.

"On your left," he said loudly. Draco's hand moved left, and he smiled when his fingers curled around the stirring rod he had been searching for.

"Mr. Potter, what did I tell you about talking in class?" Snape sneered.

"Mr. Snape, what did Draco tell you about not fucking being able to see?" Harry retorted, anger building up.

Draco snorted. Snape glared.

"Language. Ten points from Gryffindor, and another ten for talking back."

"Take any more, Mr. Snape, see what fucking happens." Harry's voice was harsh and irritated.

"It's Professor Snape, and do not threaten me."

"Did you earn a doctorate?"


"Mr. Snape it is then. Professors have doctorates. You don't."

Snape glared. Harry turned his attention back to his potion.

Snape excused the class a few minutes later. "Mr. Potter, can I speak with you after class?"

"No, you can't," Harry replied angrily, grabbing his bag and storming out of the classroom.

It wasn't until he sat down in his seat in History of Magic and noticed the disappearance of someone that he froze.

He had forgotten to get Draco.

He stood up quickly, rushing out of the classroom. He almost ran into Draco, who was a few feet away from the door.

"Draco!" he exclaimed.

"You fucking left me there." Draco's voice was angry, hard. His eyes, although unseeing, remained angry.

"I didn't mean to," Harry protested, still irritated. "This is new to me."

"Does that make it okay? I trusted you. I relied on you."

"Draco, I'm fucking sorry-"

"Fuck you. I don't need you anyways."

Harry was too overwhelmed for this. Anger boiled up, already at dangerous levels because of Snape, and he snapped.

"Fine. See how well you do without me then," Harry replied coldly, turning around and marching back into the classroom, slamming the door behind him.


The next week was hell. Draco coldly ignored Harry, and was therefore late to all of his classes. Harry tried to convince himself that he didn't care.

That changed when he was late to class.

"Shit, shit, shit!" he whispered to himself as he quickly grabbed his back and quill, shoving random papers into the bag and darting out the door. He hadn't meant to sleep in, but he wasn't sleeping well since he stopped seeing Dr- since he had had that anxious day.

He darted around a corner, and almost ran over a boy who sat on the floor, curled up in a ball.


Draco lifted his head, and Harry could see the tear tracks leaking out of empty eyes.

"Draco, what's going on?" Harry couldn't help but ask. 

"I don't know where I am," Draco whispered. "I got lost. I don't- I can't-" his sentence was cut off by a sob, and he buried his head back into his arms.

"I'm so sorry," Harry whispered, dropping down to sit by Draco. "Draco, if you'll let me, I'd like to be your guide dog again."

Draco choked out a laugh. "God, fuck yes, Harry, I'd fucking love that."

Harry burst into a smile. "Perfect. First stop, the bathroom. Then the kitchens. Then I'll consider going to class."

Draco laughed, and shook his head. "Honestly, how do you expect to pass any of your classes?"

"I'm the Chosen One. They'll give me O's for killing Voldemort."

Draco shook his head and laughed. Both boys stood.

"Lead the way, guide dog," Draco said cheerfully, wiping his cheeks with his hands.

"One thing first."

"And what would that be?"

"Can I kiss you? Because I think I've liked you literally since forever and this past week has killed me."

Draco looked shocked. "You want to kiss me?"

"Kiss, hug, cuddle, date, make out, you name it, I want it." Harry's heart was pounding. "But if you don't-"

"That sounds perfect," Draco whispered.

This time it was Harry's turn to be shocked. "Does that mean I can kiss you?"

"It means this is the part where I would shut you up with a kiss if I knew where your fucking lips were."

Harry laughed, and leaned forward. 

"They're right here," he whispered, before kissing Draco Malfoy.

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