I Was Broken, And You Broke Me More

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Question of the day: Are you okay?

It's okay if you're not.

Harry stared blankly ahead as the voices around him droned out into an irritating buzz of nothingness.

Something in the back of his mind told him he should be paying attention, this was probably going to be on the tests, but who cared about tests anyways?

God, he had fought in a war, he was lost, he was broken, why should he be learning about the war when he was fucking there?

Overwhelmed and irritated, Harry stood abruptly. Professor Binns continued to drone on, not noticing him.

Which honestly should have come as a relief. Everyone saw him as a goddamn hero, as the Golden Boy who saved them all, the Boy Who Lived. No one recognized anyone else as a hero. Not Hermione and Ron, who had been there forever. Not those who had lost their lives fighting the Death Eaters.


He wasn't anyone special, in the long run. He was just the one they picked to die, and he accepted it. That's all he was, a sacrifice people thought too highly of.

Harry yanked his backpack off the table, ignoring the quill he left on his desk. Hermione would bring it to him, if she cared enough to remember. If she didn't, who cared? It was just a fucking quill.

He marched away from his desk, ignoring Hermione's shocked cry of "Harry!" and Ron's frown of confusion. His bag slipped out of his fingers, but he barely noticed it. He didn't care. He just ran out of the classroom, tears pricking in his eyes.

You're fucking weak, he thought to himself as he walked down the empty corridor with blurry vision. Nothing even happened, you were just in class, and now you're going to cry like a little bitch?

He closed his eyes, willing away the tears. You're fine, you're fine, you're fine.

Great. Now he had left his fucking bag in the class, he couldn't go and get it now. What was he supposed to do?

Even more unfortunately, teachers seemed to choose this exact moment to end their classes, as students started pouring out of their classes and rushing to their next ones.

Harry kept his head down, and continued to walk. He was in a now mostly abandoned corridor once more, as not many people had classes over here.

"Scarface, you left your stupid bag in class!"

A bag was thrown at his feet. Harry didn't turn around, knowing who it was.

"What's the matter, Potter? Pussy out of your classes already? Are you gonna go live on the streets now? What a tale that would be, the Savior of the Wizarding World, reduced to nothing."

Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, Harry thought frantically, his mind becoming overwhelmed with the taunts on his already damaged mind.

"Is that who you think you'll be? A nobody? Unimportant? I think so."

Harry's breathing was coming faster, the tears pricking in his eyes. Stop fucking crying, you idiot! Draco Malfoy doesn't need to see you cry!

"Turn around, idiot, so I can insult you properly to your face. Although it is uglier than the back of your head. Slightly."

Harry turned to face him, and in that exact second, his resolve crumbled and he collapsed to the ground in tears.


The shock in Malfoy's voice did nothing to stop Harry from crying. It was like a dam had burst, and now he couldn't breathe and he was shaking and crying and panicking and overwhelmed.

To his extreme shock, a bag dropped down and suddenly Draco Malfoy was on his knees next to Harry, carefully wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, Potter, I didn't mean it! You know I'm always fucking with you, I didn't expect you to take it seriously! Hey, I'm sorry, please stop crying!"

Harry just shook his head, still crying.

There was a pause. And then Malfoy's voice was gentle and understanding, something Harry had never heard from him.

"I'm not the reason you're crying, am I?"

Harry shook his head, breathing slowing slightly at the calming tone to Malfoy's voice.

"Breathe, Potter. We don't need you having a panic attack, do we? Perfect. Keep breathing. You're okay. Everything's gonna be okay."

"Is it?" Harry croaked out, voice hoarse.

A pause. "Yes."

"You can't promise that."

"I can."

"No you can't."

"No, I can't, but I distracted you and now you're not crying anymore."

Harry blinked, before realizing he was right. "You're a sneaky bastard."

"And you're an idiotic prat. Stand up."

Malfoy stood, pulling Harry up with him. He bent over, and picked up both their bags. He handed Harry's to him, and tossed his own over his shoulder.

"C'mere." Malfoy pulled something out of his bag. Harry blinked, realizing it was a tissue. Malfoy delicately lifted his glasses and wiped away the tear tracks on his cheeks, and cast a soft spell that briefly made Harry's face tingle.

"There goes your puffy eyes," he murmured. "Here. Put a couple of these in." He handed him eyedrops. "They'll get rid of your red eyes in a minute or two."

Harry blinked at the kindness, but took off his glasses and put in the eyedrops in. He put his glasses back on and handed the drops back. "Thank you... Draco."

Draco smiled a sad smile as he slipped the drops back into his bag. "Lemme know next time you plan to break down in the middle of a corridor so I know to not aggravate you."

Harry laughed weakly, flashing the blonde a grin. The other boy returned the smile. He lifted his hand, and lightly ran his thumb over Harry's cheek before walking away. Harry assumed he was wiping away a stray tear.

But when Harry touched his cheek, it was dry.

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