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Entered in the contest of blurrytrench

Prompt: Harry is the prince of Gryffindor Kingdom, and he is expected to marry a princess from another kingdom. None of them interest him, until he meets the snarky prince from Slytherin Kingdom.

Harry drums his fingers idly on the armrest of his chair, bored.

"Prince Harry! Your next suitor is here!" his butler, Ron exclaims.

Harry sighs. "Yes, yes. Bring her in."

The doors open for what seems like the eightieth time today, and yet another princess steps in.

She wears dark green, which contrasts nicely against her dark skin. Harry sits up slightly. She is quite pretty, even if he doesn't feel an attraction yet.

"Princess Cho of Ravenclaw Kingdom," his father announces.

Harry stands, again, and bows again. She curtsies lightly, and smiles softly.

"Hello, Prince Harry," she says, ever so quietly.

Harry groans internally. She's pretty, yes, and he's sure she's a kind person, all princesses are, but he can't be with someone as quiet as her.

"Princess," he replies politely.

"What do you think?" his father asks, trying not to show how annoyed he is with Harry's lack of decisions so far.

Harry sighed. "While I am looking for a princess right now, I am afraid that I do not feel compatible with you, Princess." He recites the same lines he's been saying all day.

She nods, curtsies, thanks him for the opportunity, and leaves.

His father  sits down again, sighing.

"Miss Hermione of our own Gryffindor Kingdom," Ron announces.

The second the doors open, Harry's eyes go wide and Ron chokes.

Walking into the room is the most beautiful woman Harry has ever seen. Her warm brown curls cascade down her tan shoulders, and her brown eyes glitter with something as they land on Harry's. She wears a simple pale blue gown, and blue flats.

"A pleasure to meet you, Prince Harry," she says, her voice light and lovely.

"The pleasure is mine, Princess," he replies.

He can see the excitement in his father's face. While this girl is exceedingly beautiful, and far from soft-spoken, Harry feels no connection. But he is expected to marry and produce an heir, so he steps forward.

"Miss Hermione, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage. Will you be my bride?"

Hermione smiles, although it seems a little off. "I would love to."


Three weeks later, the wedding has been announced to the other kingdoms, and they are expected to visit each kingdom together and speak with the royal families.

Harry is already stressed. He has grown to truly like Hermione, but as a friend. And he suspects she feels the same, as she seems much more interested in his butler.

So he decides to talk with them.

Hermione and Ron nervously walk into the room, and sit in front of Harry.

"Now, I know Hermione and I are to be wed, and expected to produce at least one heir. I understand this. But Hermione, tell me truthfully, do you love me?"

Hermione slowly shakes her head. "Perhaps as a friend, but not as a husband. Not as a lover."

Harry nods. "And I feel the same towards you. It has come to my attention that you two, however, have become quite close."

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