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(Part Two to Curse because you heathens wouldn't leave me alone about it)

"Fuck's sake, Harry! Why can't you just admit that you love him?" Hermione sighs for the sixth time in three days.

"Because I don't know if I do!" he exclaims. 

She rolls her eyes. "Fuck's sake. Drink a love potion, and if nothing changes, then you'll know."

His eyebrows shoot up. "That's genius. Be right back."

She nods, rolling her eyes.

Ten minutes later, Harry is in the Potions classroom with Ginny.

"I need a love potion for me towards Draco."

She frowns. "You would need a strand of his hair."

"I figured," Harry replies, grinning and showing her a vial with a strand of Draco's golden hair in it.

Ginny has a strange glint in her eyes as she grabs a vial off the shelf. "Here's the potion I would use. The spell has complications, but this ensures good results. If it really doesn't work, there's no doubt in my mind that you're in love with him."

He nods, and takes the vial, dropping Draco's hair in it. It dissolves instantly, and the potion turns gold.

He sighs. "Here goes." 

He downs the bottle, and Ginny starts laughing.

He shakes his head slightly, before looking at her. "What?"

"The love spell works fine. I just wanted to see what you would do if you couldn't control yourself around him," she says wickedly.

He frowns. "I don't under-" 

Suddenly, he is overcome with dizziness, and as it fades, one name is in his mind and it is Draco Malfoy.

"It's a Lust Potion," Ginny snickers, but Harry ignores her and rushes out the door.

He practically runs to the Great Hall, and pushes open the door, heading straight for the Slytherin table.

"Draco," he hisses the second he reaches the blonde. "I need to talk to you. Now."

"Your eyes are very dark," Draco says in a worried tone. "Are you alright?"

Harry squeezes his eyes shut, physically restraining himself from pouncing on Draco right then and there. "No, not really. Can we please go out to the hall?"

Draco nods, looking worried, and stands quickly, following Harry out into the hallway.

Harry thinks it's funny because their situations were switched three days ago, but that thought flies out of his head as he presses Draco against the wall and kisses him hard.

"Harry," Draco says, breathlessly pulling away from the kiss. "Does this mean you like me too?"

"What do I have to say to get you to take your shirt off?" Harry mumbles, kissing Draco's neck.

"Fuck, that feels good. Harry, we should talk about this."

"Later. Right now I wanna fuck you."

"Jesus, Harry, calm down, what's wrong with-" Draco stiffens. "Harry, are you under a Lust Potion?"

"No, this is entirely me," Harry hisses, pulling at Draco's shirt in an attempt to get it off.

"Harry, I'm a virgin."

"Don't care."

"Harry, I'm not comfortable having sex with you."

"Don't care."

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