Going Away Gift 2

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I'm doing this, but it's gonna be about Supernatural because i dont need fourth wall breaks here. You don't need to have watched Supernatural to know what is happening.

Harry had been haunted by the words ever since he was old enough to understand what they meant.

I can't believe Dean Winchester is dead.

He was horrified. Who was Dean Winchester? The poor boy! 

He spent thirteen years worrying about whoever the hell Dean Winchester was. The words on his other wrist, I love you, meant nothing to him. That would come much later.

Until the fateful night of September 13, 2005.

He had been flicking through the channels when he came across the premiere episode of a new show called Supernatural.

He watched it for a while, getting really interested, before his stomach suddenly dropped when he discovered on of the main character's names.

Dean Winchester.

A coincidence, he told himself.

But he couldn't stop that nagging feeling.

He really liked the show, and started watching it every time it came on. It became his favorite show.

But the knowledge that Dean was going to die clung to the back of his mind, spoiling every episode.

And three years after first seeing it, fifteen year old Harry Potter watched as Dean died on May 15, 2008.

He was furious that he couldn't be as shocked as others. He had known.

The next day, he went out to buy himself a coffee. He tried not to think about how cute the blonde barista was.

That is, until he heard the blonde boy say something to his coworker.

"I can't believe Dean Winchester died."

"You!" he shouted, unbelievably angry as he stormed forward. "You're the one!"

The blonde's eyes went wide, and darted down to his own wrist before back to Harry.

"I have been watching Supernatural for three years, and every fucking episode I watched was ruined because of you! I knew three years before everyone that Dean Winchester was going to die!"

The blonde's grey eyes were impossibly wide, and he slowly pulled his sleeve up to reveal the words "You! You're the one!"

"You know, I have to admit," the barista said, a crooked grin spreading across his face. "That's not how I thought those words were going to be spoken."

Harry huffed, and angrily showed him his wrist.

The blonde smiled apologetically, and kissed the back of his hand. "Apologies, love. I didn't mean to ruin it for you."

Harry felt his anger melt, and hesighed, and smiled slowly. "I'm Harry."


"You can make it up to me by watching the season four premiere with me," Harry said, smirking.

Draco's smile dropped. "That's not until September!"

Harry winked. "Maybe you'll learn what it's like to wait for something you know is going to happen."

Draco gaped as the black-haired boy walked out of the store, grinning.

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