I Really Fucked It Up This Time, Didn't I, My Dear?

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--part three to Bubblegum and Blondes--

I meant to post this an hour ago but i forgot guess whos a shitty author surprise its me :)))

Also, I lied. I was planning on this being the last one, but it got a bit carried away and now the next one will be the last one sorry :/

If it makes you feel better, the next chapter should be updated within the next hour

Harry had been staring at his phone for twenty minutes.

Is it too desperate if I text him right after he gave me his number? he wondered.

He sighed, opening his phone and adding Draco as a contact, with a little skateboard  emoji next to his name.

Harry: hey, was just texting you so you could have my number

He waited. And waited. And waited.

Draco didn't respond.

Harry's fingers twitched anxiously. 


He almost fell off his couch in his rush to grab his phone and desperately read the message Draco had sent.

Draco: so sorry, I was in the shower. This is Harry, not some creepy stalker, correct?

Harry breathed out a sigh of relief. Draco wasn't ignoring him.

Harry: I'm both. Check outside your window >:)

Draco: lmaaooo stfu

Draco: what's the address of the rink? 

Harry smiled, and replied with the address. 

Draco: awesome! I'll see you sunday! goodnight Harry 

Harry: goodnight Draco

He couldn't get rid of the blush on his face as he set down his phone and went to bed.


It was Wednesday. The competition was in four days.

And Harry was anxious as fuck.

Draco: hey! me and my friends are going to get ice cream. want me to pick you and your friends up and see if they want to go?

Harry: sure! I'll text them to make sure.


Harry: y'all Draco invited us out to ice cream with his friends this is not a fucking drill I repeat this is not a drill get your fucking clothes on get fucking ready and let's fucking go you don't have a choice its a triple fucking date

Hermione: dont have to tell me twice

Ron: i just fucking woke up

Harry: it's one in the afternoon

Ron: and????

Hermione: and get fucking ready so you can see your boy toy

Ron: fine

Ron: pick me up last

Harry: you better be fucking ready or we're leaving your ass, blaise or no blaise

Ron: you could just drop him off at my house

Ron: preferrably in my bed


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