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Everyone noticed how close Harry and Draco had gotten after the war.

It hadn't happened quickly, but it didn't matter because what the two had was perfect.

A month after the war, students had come back to Hogwarts. Harry and Draco had simply ignored each other.

But after two weeks, Draco wasn't satisfied with ignoring Harry Potter.

So one day, after Potions, Draco stopped Harry from leaving.


Harry stiffened, confused. "M- Draco?"

"I want a truce."

Harry was shocked, but agreed easily.

After that, the two didn't ignore each other as much.

It started with Draco volunteering to help Harry with his Potions homework. Harry offered to help him with Defense Against the Dark Arts.

They started visiting each other's Common Rooms to help with homework. Eventually, it was easier to just give the other the password.

It changed again when Draco came over just to hang out.

It was awkward at first, both boys just sat there, but then Ron and Hermione started playing a card game and both boys were more than happy to join.

They started hanging out more, talking and sitting at each other's dinner tables.

Hermione and Ron were slightly surprised the day Draco dropped onto the couch right next to Harry and said "Hey Harry, what's up?"

Harry had instantly set down the book he was reading to give his full attention to Draco. His face lit up with a smile as he told Draco his day was great now that he was here. Draco laughed.

The two got closer, and soon enough you couldn't see one without the other.

Hermione had gasped softly when she saw Harry and Draco walking down the hall, laughing and talking, and Harry casually slung his arm around the other boy's shoulders.

Then they started touching more. Not sexually, but sweetly, as close friends.

It started with just their knees were gently touching each other. Then it progressed to hands brushing, or even holding the other's hand for comfort. They would wrap their ankle around the other boy's, and put their hands over the other's, and, the sweetest in Hermione's opinion, link their pinkies together.

They hugged each other every time they saw each other, no matter where they were.

One day, Harry was sitting on the couch, watching as Draco and Hermione and Ron played a game he had declined to play. Draco lost, and let the game to join Harry.

Hermione watched as Draco lay on the couch, putting his head on Harry's lap, and the raven-haired boy didn't react at all, he simply ran his fingers through the blonde's silky strands. Draco smiled.

Hermione smiled too. They looked so peaceful and happy.

They were watching a Muggle movie, and Draco was starting to look quite tired. His head was dropping more and more, and eventually it fell on Harry's shoulder.

Harry looked uncomfortable, not because of the circumstances, but because the way Draco was laying on him was painful.

Hermione watched as he carefully extracted his arm, careful not to wake the sleeping boy, and wrapped his arm around Draco's shoulders.

The two boys had woken up the next morning in the same position, and gave each other small, shy smiles before standing.

Harry and Draco were no longer singular people. When other's spoke of them, it was always "Harry and Draco."

"Are Harry and Draco going to Pansy's party?"

"Where are Harry and Draco?"

"What do Harry and Draco think about that?"

But the biggest change was that special day.

They were all in the library. Harry and Draco had their own table, and Hermione, Ron, Pansy, and Blaise were at another, studying the pair.

They watched as Harry leaned over and whispered something that made the blonde turn a light pink.

He turned so he was completely facing Harry. His eyes looked unsure, but Harry smiled sweetly.

Draco leaned forward tentatively, and pressed his lips gently against Harry's.

The group held their breath as Draco pulled away.
Harry smiled and pulled him closer again, pressing their lips together.

Hermione hit Ron's arm several times, hard.

"Ow! Mione!" he hissed.

"They're doing it! They're kissing!" Hermione whisper\squealed.

"I can see that!"

Blaise was bouncing in his seat, Pansy looked ready to scream and throw things in happiness, Hermione kept hitting Ron and squealing, and Ron just grumbled "had to bloody kiss in front of us...gonna talk to Harry later....bloke needs to sort out his priorities... let me get hit by Mione....bloody hurts..."

Harry and Draco didn't notice, they were too wrapped up in their own little world, because they had always been the most important person in the other's life.

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