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This chapter is dedicated to Always_Hufflepuff, teaminternet123 and Lebanese_Biatch for voting on all of my chapters of this book you three are my Golden Trio.

Oh no.
He turned, sighing inwardly. Malfoy was swaggering up to him like he owned the world.
"What, Malfoy?" Harry asked.
"I have a proposition for you."
Harry raised both eyebrows. "And what would that be?"
"There's a Quidditch match tomorrow, as you know. Slytherin versus Gryffindor."
Harry nodded. Although he and Malfoy were not allowed to play anymore, since technically eighth years shouldn't exist, he still went to all the games to support his house team.
"I want to make a bet."
Harry snorted. "A bet? You and I are both loaded, we'd have to bet half our Gringotts vaults to even make the bet worthwhile."
"Not money, Potter."
Harry's eyebrows shot to the roof.
Malfoy smirked. "Whoever wins gets to choose exactly how the other person dresses the next day."
Harry glared at him. He couldn't back out. Besides, Gryffindor had won the past two games. Surely they would win this one.
He shook Malfoy's hand once. "You got a deal. Prepare to lose."
He was dead wrong.
"GO, GO!" Harry yelled from the stands. His Chaser threw the Quaffle in the middle hoop. The Gryffindors cheered.
But suddenly, all he heard around him were groans. Then he heard the screams and cheering from Slytherin's side.
"NO!" Harry yelled desperately.
And then he saw it.
Across the field, was Malfoy's brilliant smile. Directed right at him.
"Where's Harry?" Hermione murmured to Ron. The boy shrugged and shoved pancakes in his face.
The doors to the Great Hall opened, and the entire room was silent.
Harry Potter walked into the Great Hall wearing a pink shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. He had on combat boots and a skull ring.
But mostly what made the Great Hall silent was the single word on his shirt.
In a black heart with an arrow through it, in swirly white writing printed on his shirt, was the word Malfoy.
Harry grinned and walked across the hall, giving everyone a view of the back of his pink shirt, which read If lost, please return to Draco Malfoy at once. Not doing so would result in instant telling to his father.
Harry passed the Gryffindor table, where Ron gaped and Hermione let out a small squeak and blushed, the Hufflepuff table, where Cedric Diggory's jaw could be heard dropping, the Ravenclaw table, where Cho almost fell off her seat and Luna smiled serenely, to the Slytherin table, where he dropped onto Draco's lap and gave him a quick kiss and a "hi baby," which immediately caused Pansy, Hermione, Cho, and Ron to fall out of their seats and Snape to let out a small scream.
Harry grinned. Maybe the bet with his boyfriend hadn't been so bad after all.

I laughed for like 6 years making this chapter. If you liked it, please consider giving of a vote.

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