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HI EVERYONE!!! Just wanted to thank you for 3k reads, that's so amazing! Also, in case you didn't notice, I changed the cover!! Do you guys like it?

This story briefly mentions gender fluid Scorpius. Don't like, don't read.

"James, come on!" Harry called. "You can get an owl when you're eleven!"

James tore his eyes away from the large snowy owl that looked uncannily like Hedwig. "But that's a whole year away!" he cried exasperatedly.

Harry grinned, then winced. "Lily, not so hard, that hurts."

Lily, who was sitting on her father's shoulders, instantly loosened her grip on his hair.

Harry tugged Albus's hand toward a clothing store. "C'mon, kids, we gotta get you guys some new clothes."

Albus rolled his eyes, but followed Harry. Not that he had a choice, the man was holding his hand to ensure he didn't get lost. Teddy followed closely behind.

"Scorpius, what are you doing?"

Harry froze. It can't be?

But it was. He rounded the corner to see none other than Draco Malfoy scolding his young, blonde son.

"No, Scorpius, you can't have that damned dress!" he cried, running his fingers through his hair.

The boy's eyes filled with tears. "Why not?" he asked.

Harry was pissed. Even so many years after Hogwarts, Draco was still a dick? He wasn't letting his own child be who he -or maybe she- was.

Harry stepped out, ready to yell at Draco, when the blond man spoke again.

"Because there's no matching tiara! It's a fashion emergency!" he cried.

Harry was shocked.

Scorpius' face broke into a smile. "Can I get the purple one then?"

Draco smiled back. "Of course. Purple's a lovely color on you, you know."

Scorpius beamed, and ran off. Draco smiled at the retreating child, and turned around.

Instantly, the smile on his face dropped, replaced with surprise.

"Potter?" he whispered.

Harry grinned. "Hey Draco."

Draco seemed frozen for a second, before striding forward and wrapping Harry in a hug. Harry stiffened, surprised, but quickly returned the hug.

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