Light In The Dark

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--Prompt by  im_trying_k --

Here's another couple one shots to apologize for the inconvenience of my last chapters not uploading for a while

Harry is having a fairly regular day, when Draco Malfoy runs straight into him.

He gasps sharply, and Malfoy backs up immediately.

"I'm so sorry, usually my charm tells me when there's people in front of me," Malfoy apologizes immediately.

"Your charm?" Why is Malfoy wearing sunglasses inside?

Malfoy stills. "Potter?"

"Yeah, obviously. I'm right in front of you, are you blind?"

"Yeah, actually."

Harry freezes. "What?"

"I'm blind. Long story short, potions, Longbottom, cauldron blew up, I was in front of it."

"Holy shit. When do you get your eyesight back?"

Malfoy's jaw locks slightly. "I don't know. Maybe never. They're trying to find a cure now."

"Holy shit, Malfoy, I'm sorry. Do you need help with anything?"

"No. Don't try to be all 'savior' with me just because I can't see. I hate you, you hate me."

"Why isn't Parkinson helping you around? Or Zabini?"

Malfoy tenses. "Potter, I know you're unobservant, but even the most dimwitted individual would notice they didn't come back this year."

To be honest, Harry hadn't noticed. He rarely glanced at the Slytherin table, and when he did, it was to catch glances of a certain gorgeous blonde.

"Damn, I'm sorry. Really, if you need anything, I'm here for you."

Malfoy frowns, but relaxes slightly. "Thank you, Potter, but I doubt I'll be asking for your help anytime soon."

With that, he proudly turns around and runs straight into a wall.

"God fucking damnit!" he shouts. "Why is this stupid charm not helping?"

Harry tries not to laugh as he helps Malfoy up. "That settles it," he says, smiling. "I'm gonna help you around until they find you a cure."

"I hate you," Malfoy mumbles, but allows himself to be helped up.

"Now, where are you headed?"

"History of Magic."

"Okay, well, for starters, you weren't even remotely going in the right direction." Harry steers Malfoy so he faces the other way. "Walk."

"How do I know you're not going to lead me to the top of the Astrnomy Tower and have me walk straight off?" Malfoy mutters.

Harry knows he's trying to be sarcastic, but he can hear the genuine tone of fear in the back of Malfoy's voice, and he feels a pang of sympathy for him. Malfoy is placing his whole life in his enemy's hands, who wouldn't be distrustful? Maybe Harry hadn't been taking this seriously enough.

"You're going to have to trust me," he replies. "I swear I won't do anything to hurt you."

Malfoy thinks about this for a moment, before nodding and allowing himself to be led to his class.

Harry guides him to an empty seat.

"Stay here when class is over," he murmurs. "I'll come get you as fast as I can."

"Thank you," Malfoy murmurs, and Harry dashes out of class and to Transfiguration.

"Mr. Potter, you're five minutes late," McGonagall says sternly as he rushes into class, breathless.

"I'm-so sorry- Draco- potion- blind- helped him- to class," Harry says, breathless.

McGonagall's eyes soften. "Ah, yes. I heard of Mr. Malfoy's predicament. Ten points to Gryffindor for aiding another student in need. Take a seat, Mr. Potter."

Harry smiles, and quickly sits in his seat.

"That was kind of you, Harry," Hermione murmurs.

Harry flashes her a quick smile, copying down notes off the board.

After McGonagall dismisses class, Harry stays a few minutes to finish copying down notes he hadn't gotten.

"Mr. Potter," McGonagall says, looking concerned. "Do you need to help Mr. Malfoy to his next class?"

Harry's eyes widen. "Oh Merlin, I forgot!" he cries, shoving his things into his backpack hurriedly. "See you tomorrow, Professor!" 

She smiles as he runs out of class.

Harry makes it to Professor Binn's class in record time, bursting through the door.

Draco is the only one left in the class. He's shaking slightly, and looks terrified.

"Fuck, Draco, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot," Harry whispered.

Draco nods, trying to maintain his composure, but Harry can see his relief in realizing Harry hadn't forgotten about him completely.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," Harry says softly, hugging Draco.

Draco stiffens, before relaxing into the hug. "It's okay. Please don't do it again," he replies softly.

"Of course not." Harry takes Draco's hand, and leads him out of the classroom.

"Is everyone staring at us because we're holding hands?" Draco says nervously, trying to keep his head down.

"No, nobody's noticing," Harry lies, glaring at a girl who is gaping at them.

"You're a shit liar," Draco laughs shakily.

"Sorry, Draco. I was trying to ease your nerves."

"Since when do you call me Draco?"

"Since I left you in a classroom alone like a parent leaving their kid in a grocery store."

"What's a grocery store?"

"Never mind."

"Besides, you're far from a parent to me," Draco breathes. Harry turns to look at him.

He's blushing hard, trying to look down to conceal it.

"You sure you don't wanna call me daddy?" Harry jokes. Draco gasps, laughing and hitting his arm.

"Potter!" he whisper-shouts. "That is so inappropriate!"

Harry laughs loudly, tugging Draco through the crowd of people. "Lighten up a little, it was a joke!" he laughs, smiling at Draco's red-stained cheeks.

Draco shakes his head, smiling. "You're ridiculous, Harry."

"Since when do you call me Harry?" Harry mocked.

"Since I realized you're far more interesting than I originally thought."

Harry grins at him. "I think you'll find I'm full of surprises, Draco. Maybe one day I'll show you some more."

A smile tugs at Draco's lips. "I think I'd like that."

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