1. Eros

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Eros: a passionate, physical, lustful, emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; the kind that leaves butterflies in your stomach and tingling in other places

Song: Or Nah by Ty Dolla $ign, Dj Mustard, Wiz Khalifa, and The Weeknd

"Is we fucking when we leave the club or nah, I ain't spending cash for nothing, I wanna see you take it off."

Draco can't tear his eyes off of Harry. The boy's messy black hair falls into his eyes as he bites his lip, concentrating hard on the paper in front of him.

As if he can feel Draco's stare, the boy looks up at Draco, a slow smirk spreading across his face as his eyes slowly travel up and down Draco's body. Draco can practically feel fire burning him where Harry's eyes land, and when Harry's eyes finally meet his own, it takes everything in him to not stand up and drag Harry to a bedroom right now. 

Harry slowly bites his lip again, maintaining the eye contact with Draco that's driving the blonde crazy.

Draco doesn't hear a word of the conversation the class is having about History of Magic. All that matters in this moment is Harry and exactly how many times they're going to fuck.

Harry can't seem to take his eyes away from Draco either. Ron is trying to get the boy's attention, and Harry's eyes don't break away from Draco's. His tongue is caught between his teeth, and Draco can almost hear the dirty thoughts running through his head.

Draco doesn't know how much longer they have class, and he really hopes it ends soon because if Harry keeps staring at him and catching his lip between his teeth, Draco might explode.

After what feels like years, Draco hears the sweet, blessed words "Class is over." 

He stands quickly, but packs his things with careful precisions, feigning self-control.

 He sees Harry stand with his bag and exit the room. Draco shoves his things in his backpack, saying 'screw it' to precision and self-control, and sprints after the other boy.

Harry is a few feet in front of him, and although Draco knows exactly where he's going, he makes no attempt to catch up to him, stretching the sexual tension between them.

Harry reaches a blank wall, and instantly it turns into a door. With no hesitation, Harry enters the Room of Requirement, leaving the door open behind him.

Draco slowly sets down his bag, as does Harry, before the black-haired boy turns around and makes eyes contact with Draco.

And the bubble of sexual tension explodes.

Harry presses Draco against the wall, and Draco doesn't hesitate before wrapping his legs around Harry's waist, kissing him hard. 

Harry moans softly as Draco bites down gently on his collarbone, sucking and making sure to leave his mark before traveling up his neck.

"Fuck, Draco," he hisses. His hand are on Draco's hips, holding them in place, and Draco's hands are twisted in his hair, and their lips connect again.

Harry is grinding his hips against Draco's, and Draco throws his head back in pleasure, gasping at the sensation. Harry kisses his neck, biting gently and marking his neck with the message that he is Harry's.

Harry spins them around, pressing Draco down on the bed and grinding against him again, but it's so much better now because gravity is definitely on Draco's side and Harry is creating delicious friction with his hips that has Draco moaning Harry's name.

"Fuck," he murmurs as Harry practically tears off his shirt before taking off his own. "God, you're hot."

"Me? Did you see the way you were staring at me ten minutes ago? I thought I was going to come in my pants," Harry hisses, a devilish grin on his face before he kisses Draco again.

Fuck, kissing Harry Potter is a fucking revelation. His mouth is wicked and does things to Draco that shouldn't be legal. His breathing is starting to speed up, and he is dangerously close to losing control.

"Fuck, Harry, just take off your fucking clothes," he hisses.

Harry gives him a dark grin. "What, no romance?"

"Not this time," Draco says breathlessly. "Maybe next time we can make love, but right now I want you to fuck me."

Harry's smile drops into something so much sexier. Draco's breathing momentarily stops. 

"That sounds like a fantastic idea," he growls low, unbuttoning Draco's jeans and yanking them off before removing his own.

Fuck, Draco had forgotten how much better it feels to be grinding with fewer clothes on.

Every goddamn time they do this, he forgets how amazing it is, and every single time it blows his fucking mind.

Harry smirks. "You sure?"

"Fuck, yes, Harry, you ask me every fucking time, and the answer is always yes," Draco hisses, arching his back. "Please."

"Consent is sexy," Harry says with a grin before lowering his head and removing Draco's boxers. With his teeth.

"Oh fuck," Draco whispers, dropping his head back against the pillows. "You never fail to amaze me, Harry Potter."

"I will never stop trying," Harry replies with a smile. When did he take off his underwear?

Draco decides it doesn't matter because Harry is naked and he is naked and Harry has been teasing him for too long.

"Fucking fuck me already," he pleads. 

"You talk an awful lot for someone who's supposed to be a bottom," Harry says with a grin. "I think I like you better when the only thing you can remember to say is my name."

"Oh, fuck," Draco moans as Harry inserts one lube-covered finger into him. "Fuck, more."

"You sure?"

"We did this yesterday," Draco complains. 

"And the day before, and the day before that," Harry murmurs in his ear, inserting another finger. Draco cries out in pleasure. "Don't think I've forgotten."

"Fuck, then get on with it already!" Draco shouts impatiently.

"Bossy, bossy," Harry teases, adding a third finger. Draco arches his back, moaning. "I think you should talk a little less."

"Then fuck me already!" Draco shouts.

Harry's eyes darken with lust, and he removes his fingers. "Fine then."

Draco drags his lip between his teeth as Harry lines himself up, and bites down on his lip when Harry pushes in.

"Shittttttt," he moans, throwing his head back. "Fuck, more."

Harry thrusts in and out of him slowly before building speed. 

"Fuck, you're gorgeous like this," Harry growls, kissing Draco roughly.

Draco has to break the kiss to breathe, because his breaths are coming in short little pants now, pleasure overtaking him.

He's chanting Harry's name, and he's so so close, Harry's green eyes pinning him to the bed.

He screams Harry's name as he comes, and Harry comes too with one final thrust, and Draco goes dizzy from the intensity of his orgasm.

He turns on his side, facing Harry, who is lying there, still in a post-orgasm blissful daze.

"You're going to give me five minutes to regain my ability to breathe, and then I'm topping," he informs Harry.

Harry's eyes darken with lust. "I like the sound of that."

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